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Valley of Trouble

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Well, I'm a beginner, but I think it's tough. I got murdered the first time - I usually play things over and over to learn and to get it right. Even knowing what to expect the 2nd and 3rd times didn't help much. Also - I think the latest version overwrites that scene a bit - so if you haven't played it under ver. 1.1 play it again.

Good luck

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This is the only method I've actually seen/used that works:

1.) Set up all the observers you can in one spot, on that big hill. Use one platoon leader, and have him control all the mortars and FOs you have. He should be the ONLY one able to be seen by the enemy, put everybody he commands behind the hill's horizon.

Then, stick him in those tall pines, and hide him. He should be able to see far enough for you to call arty on that 75mm bunker with 105mm, and that 150mm Infantry Gun with 81mm.

Then, put all the tanks and infantry you can on the LEFT flank. That flank is weak, and has no defense against armor. (The briefing tries to subtly hint that when they mention that their second pak75 got shot up the other day)

Now, the execution:

Have your artillery pound the aforementioned targets for a few turns, and get the 60mm mortars ready to pop some smoke in from of the 75mm bunker. (They can also lend a hand offensively by attacking that Company HQ next to the bunker, the guy who's directing the German 81mm mortars.)

Have your 105mm Shermans charge straight into the German lines, taking out the MG bunker as they go. Your tanks will be moving to fast for the bunker or the infantry gun to take a shot at them.

So, if your tanks can take out the bunkers with side shots fast enough, and the arty fire can disable the 150mm Infantry Gun, you will be able to bring up your tank reinforcements and keep the enemy infantry pinned long enough to bring up your infantry for support.

(The only sticking point is the enemy Panther reinforcement, so you can't afford to dilly-dally too long)

Okay, hope that helps some folks! (God, I need a new hobby... wink.gif)


Honor, Duty, Courage.

Valhalla awaits you, honorable warrior...


"If you find yourself alone, riding through green fields with the sun on your face, do not be troubled, for you are in Elysium, and YOU ARE ALREADY DEAD!"

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I agree with the last fellow, the left hook is the way to go. The ground looks open, but that is deceptive. Most of the terrain is out of the covered arcs of the big pillboxes.

I consider it a waste to arty that concrete pillboxes. Drop 105mm arty on the infantry gun as soon as you locate it. You can also drop 105mm arty on the middle of the town if you like; that will prevent lateral movements by the defender's infantry reserves. Use the 81mm mortars for large smoke missions, in front of the pillboxes. When you are operating on the left flank, one big smoke mission in the open ground in front of the concrete MG pillbox can wind up nixing almost all the defender's LOS lines to your attacking force.

Do not send more than 1 platoon down the right side. You can run out engineer squad over to them, though, if you like. Work them closer, to the forward edge of the woods positions on the right. You will probably get into a firefight with the defenders over there. Dump mortars on them. Clear the dasiy-chain mines off the road with the engineer squad sent over to that side.

The other platoon on the right, white set up area, leave in reserve behind your center. There is a sort of gulley, or rather you are behind the crest of the ridge, and there is also some tree cover and a few buildings. The buildings are best vs. humans, because they are more likely to dump arty on you back there.

Send most of the engineers and the red-set-up area infantry platoon, and the Sherman 105s, up the left flank. Use the road and reach the large farmhouse. Bring an FO with you, one of the 81mm guys for example. Ride the MGs and flamethrower teams of the back of the tanks. The zooks just have to keep up.

Set up the MGs and the FO in the top floor of that tall inn. You will take fire from a bunker as you cross the wheatfield; engage it with the Sherman 105s, inching them closer. Close enough, and with their big shells, it is not hard to silence a bunker just made of logs, rather than concrete, and the MG isn't going to do anything to them. Keep the infantry ahead of the tanks, though - you do not want any faust suprises.

Then you run into the infantry flank guard for the German right. Well, you've got 2 platoons, tanks, 81mm to dump on them, and MGs up in the farmhouse to match their MGs back in the bunkers. You should win the firefight. Keep the flame teams and the zooks teams out of harm's way while this is going on - you will want them later.

Once you rout the flank platoon and 86 that log MG bunker, you are around the flank. Go after the concrete MG pillbox with the engineer platoon and the flame teams, from its blind right side and rear. (The flame teams then wait until you tackle the town, if they are alive). Send the regular infantry with the zook teams east to the road, behind the town, while putting off-board 105mm arty on the town. Keep the Sherman 105s behind the infantry again, let them spot for the tanks. Blow up any German reserve infantry that goes for your infantry from range, with the Shermans.

By now the fight will all hinge on where he sends his reserves, some infantry and of course der cat. But if you've done it right, your right flank platoon will have opened the road to town, the left flank route will be open, and you will have killed at least half of his on-map infantry and the left flank pillboxes.

You may have to smoke the 75 box again when your reserve tanks are ready to go, so don't use all of the 81mm on the FO left in the rear/center too soon. You get a whole platoon of tanks, a platoon of infantry, and you left a platoon of infantry behind the jump-off point. Load 'em up, smoke that 'box, and ride.

His tank cannot defeat so many tanks at once. If you've done it right, the forward zook teams will restrict his options on where the tank goes, too. Too much infantry pours into the town, and his infantry there can't stop them all - you will lose a few tanks certainly.

The thing to understand is that the Germans have lots of men, but they are spread out in single platoon positions and they can't really support each other effectively. The heavy weapons do interlock their fire, but once you start unraveling them from your left rightwards, they are not so terrible anymore. You should be able to kill his infantry in many-on-one engagements, one platoon at a time, starting from your left again.

As a final word, remember to use lots of smoke...

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The left hook is definitely the way to go. I figured that out after being slaughtered a few times going up the gut or splitting middle and right. You can run your M4/105s up the left side of the map, flank the bunkers and then blow 'em up with rear door penetrations. Then take your tanks along that ridge, doing some damage along the way, but by turn 17 you want to be parked in that little open spot next to where the Panther pops up. Yep, gamey as all hell, but I perfected it while I was waiting for the full version to arrive. wink.gif

Trooper, you can take the VoT .cmb file from the demo files and put it in your scenario folder for the full game. If you've deleted the demo, email me and I'll send the VoT .cmb to ya.

[This message has been edited by Fan (edited 01-28-2001).]

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Originally posted by Trooper:

Where the devil is it? I know it was in the demo, but I can't seem to find it on the CD.


It was'nt included in the CD.


Blessed be the Lord my strength who teaches my hands to war and my fingers to fight.

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The key to success in any assault scenario against fixed positions (bunkers, etc.) is to dismantle each defensive position sequentially. Every time I played this scenario I crushed the AI. The big ACE card for the Allies is the artillery.

The first step is to build a base of fire on the hill to the left of the road leading into town. Simultaneously inflitrate a platoon on the far right of the map through the dense woods. On the far left use a platoon to move through the wheatfield to the scattered woods at the base of the far hill.

Once you have supressed enemy fire in the valley use smoke fire missions from your 81mm spotters to cover your engineers and last platoon when they move down the road to the town.

When engagin the AT bunker you should position your tanks behind the hill to the right of the road to town. Place them in hull down positions and engage the bunker simultaneously. Put the tanks in reverse at the end of every turn and pop them up at the beginning of each turn. If you loose a tank wait for reinforcements to finish the job and just use smoke to mask the pill box.

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Seems I got lucky. I won it on my first go.

I sent one of the 105s down the left, it knocked out a number of pillboxes before dying to a Panther at about 50 yards. Panther got zooked about 15 seconds later.

The other 105 ate a 150mm shaped charge. Oops. I also lost two more M4s.

I in no way think this is a two-player game. A human defender shouldn't have a problem.



The difference between infantrymen and cavalrymen is that cavalrymen get to die faster, for we ride into battle!

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Guest Captitalistdoginchina

Quote: "A human defender should not have a problem"

Oh boy - i reckon there will be hundreds who disagree from the demo days. In fact it is much easier to win as Allies than as Germans. I have beaten the Germans (Human PBEM) even with + 50% modifier to the Axis, a major victory.

However when playing it for the first time it is quite balanced. As Germans you think you are going to lose - until that night in Shining armour shows up smile.gif Then you have a great chance to pull off a win.



"Death solves all problems - no man no problem"

J.V.Stalin, 1918

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Well, I played this for the first time a couple weeks ago(second game of CM I played). I was really worried when I saw the disposition of the German defenses, but I wound up winning without much difficulty.

Here is how I setup: I left everything in it's default locations. If I were to change one thing with this I would put all my spotters on the big hill.

Now the left side looks real weak, but it takes a lot of time to get through over here due to the terrain, the German ambush, and the two MG bunkers. Time is something you need to be concerned with, because the Germans have a Panther showing up on turn 18. That Panther is really the deciding factor in the engagement ... if you can put multiple Shermans in a position where they can fire on it immediatly, you'll knock it out and win the scenario. If not, it will most likely take you apart piece by piece.

I used one of my 150mms on the 75mm bunker, and used one FO on the infantry gun. The other FO's didn't do anything worthwhile. The 75mm bunker wasnt damaged by the artillery, but this barage took out the german mortars which start nearby. The infantry gun was knocked out, and I believe there is an MG hidden in the area too. I sent the main body of my infantry(they started on the right side) through the forrest on the right wing. I tried to work the platoon on the left through the terrain to sneak up on the MG bunker. I placed my tanks centrally behind the center hill so that they were in defilade from the German 75mm gun. From this position they could give fire support to my infantry attacks, without getting shot at by the 75mm gun. After a few rounds I got sick of the 75mm shooting at my infantry and decided to give it something better to shoot at. I popped a Sherman out from around each side of the hill, trying for hull down positions so they could target the 75mm. To my shock the Shermans knocked out the bunker with a few well placed shots and took no losses. When I played this scenario again as the Germans the same thing happened ... it seems to just be an easy shot for the tanks. I then moved my tanks into open positions where they proceded to tear apart the visible Germans. By turn 18 when the Panther appeared I had attacked and taken all of the houses to the right of the village, and held that victory flag. I had advanced one sherman down through the valley on the right for fire support(not on the road though!). Had my Shermans spread on top of the central hill, had one at the edge of the left valley(little house and German ambush down in it), and had moved one down into the left valley which was starting to crawl up the back side to a position above the town. My infantry from the left wing was moving into the town from the left. What remaining artillery I had was placed behind the KO 75mm bunker(to keep any stragglers from reform, and to deter reinforcements), and at the back side of the town(to catch any German infantry moving around in the town. At this point the Panther popped up, and immediatly buttoned up due to my artillery barrage, and before he could target any of my Shermans, the Sherman advancing up the left valley popped a round into the lower front armor of the Panther and knocked it out. At that point it was easy to simply blow away any German resistance with the fire from my Shermans.

I'd have to say the best attack route for infantry is the right wing. The infantry can approach under cover of the treeline, bypass the kill zone/ambush setup in the valley, and once they attack they can easily be supported by your tanks. All the heavy defenses on this side (the bunker, and the infantry gun) can be easily knocked out with tanks and artillery. Just remember to be ready for the Panther showing up.

If you have lots of trouble with this one, just play it once as the Germans, and get the timetable and force positions down.

Keith Wilson

[This message has been edited by sable- (edited 02-01-2001).]

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