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New to CM, what to do next?

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Hi there all you CM freaks!

I've looked at CM a long time now, but playing the demo one trillion times is somewhat... not so fun anymore... tongue.gif

Anyway, before I spend my last $ ment for food I want to know what I should do? Being a new player to this games is very hard, since there is more than 50 good sites devoted to the game and probably a 1000 mods or so...

- I just want to play and have fun - not installing mods in all eternity!

My questions are:

- Which mods are the most important, and "must have" ones?

- Which should I _not_ care about?

- I am on Mac, preferably OS X. Is there a mod so I can play CM on OS X? (hate to reboot in classic)

- Should I wait to buy the game until CMBB is released?

- Can I play all the scenarios for CM with CMBB?

- Is there anything else important to know?


aktaion smile.gif

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Originally posted by aktaion:

My questions are:

- Which mods are the most important, and "must have" ones?

That is entirely a matter of personal taste. You should get the latest version of CMMOS from CMHQ though.

- Which should I _not_ care about?
See above.

- I am on Mac, preferably OS X. Is there a mod so I can play CM on OS X? (hate to reboot in classic)
No idea, I'm a Gates-slave.

- Should I wait to buy the game until CMBB is released?
No - why wait? CMBO is a great game for your collection, and will teach you some more skills that may translate to CMBB. Besides, it is a great game. Did I mention it is a great game?

- Can I play all the scenarios for CM with CMBB?
No. Maps, scenarios, etc. from CMBO are not compatible with CMBB.

- Is there anything else important to know?
Give up your social life and significant other and prepare to be assimilated. Welcome aboard.


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- Which mods are the most important, and "must have" ones?

- Which should I _not_ care about?

MadMatt has a guide to mods at the CMHQ website There are also several sites that compare mods, see Kump's CM Outpost (recently back in business so don't know address) and Pawbroon's Mods and Modders

- I am on Mac, preferably OS X. Is there a mod so I can play CM on OS X? (hate to reboot in classic)
No, CMBO is not compatible with OS X, nor will CMBB be either.

You should get the latest version of CMMOS from CMHQ though.
To my knowledge, CMMOS is for the poor saps stuck on Gates-controlled machines. There is also a CM Mod Manager for Mac at CMHQ.
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Good idea there, MrSpkr. However, he said he was on a Mac so CMMOS is out (until we find someone to port it over to the Mac). However, download all the mods you can from CMHQ. Also, try Tom's CMHQ. You definately want to get his Ardennes mod if you want to play winter scenarios and not go snowblind.

Pretty sure you are going to have to go to classic to play CM. No OS X support. Or better yet, OS X doesn't support CM. Nothing like making an OS not backwards compatible. Sounds like something Gates would do. ;)

Hope this helps.


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Welcome aktaion, what took you so long? smile.gif

Since I really don't remember what mods I have installed and only have a dial-up connection that severely limits getting them,I really cannot give you advice as to what mods to install. I am sure one of our resident Mod-Sluts will be around shortly to help you out there because there are MANY great mods done.

Maybe I can help you with the Mac OSX problem. Fist off, what is it? O.K. lets skip that one too.

As to what CM to buy? I would recommend buying the first one if you can because it deals with a whole different front. If the West Front interest you than you will want to play over these not so distant battlefields. It is a great game and no matter what is released after CMBO it is and will always be a masterful representation of battles between the Western Allies and German forces. Look at how many people still play this game regularly after 2 years. There are not a lot of games out there that have the replay value to make that claim.

Yet, if you cannot afford CMBO and CMBB and it is the Ostfront that peaks your curiosity most than you should wait until CMBB.

If you can buy both games then I honestly feel you should. Sure there are changes in BB, as there should be with a new title, but they cover two totally different theaters with their own OOB's and equipment.

I will be buying CMBB the first chance I can but I will always love and play CMBO.

Hope that helps in your decision making. I look forward to meeting you on the battlefield soon. Either in Western Europe or Russia, or preferably both.

von shrad

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Originally posted by Dook:

No, CMBO is not compatible with OS X, nor will CMBB be either.

CMBB not for OS X? Whatta bitch! :mad:

Well well, it is a great game so they probably have the right to do so... :confused:

Thankyou for all the answers. It seems I have to start dl mods now...



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Welcome to the club or forum if you prefer. One of the most enjoyable forums you will ever see. A lot of great guys that don't mind going out of their way to help a newbie. We have guys that know more about the game and history then you will ever know. They are also the guys that will make you feel so stupid without intending to. But don't sly away if you have a question or opinion jumb in. It only hurts for awhile and everbody is forgiving - well for the most part anyway. As far as mods go it's a personal thing. What I like you may not so you almost have to just look around and pick what looks good to you. I suggest just look for awhile before downloading any of them because chances are you'll find another one you like better 5 minutes after you download the first one. I do suggest you start at CMHQ however. Besure to look at "Madmatt's mod guide" first. This is found under the "3rd Party mods" section. Anyway, have fun I know you are in for the time of your life. See you around. Oh yes I wouldn't be treating you fairly if I didn't warn you about the Peng threads. Stay out of that place! It'll only hurt and confuse you plus you might get something on you. :D

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Thanks for that Icm.

- So, I can use whatever mod i want and you can use what you want, and we can still play with each other?

- Are there any "cheat" mods to look out for? (Don't want to play a guy who has invisible tanks or that he see all my units in neon orange)

- "Peng"?


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Yup, your mods only affect the way your game looks, not how it behaves or how anyone else's will react to it, so mod to your heart's content.

There are no cheat mods.

Please don't ask about Peng. Suffice it to say that the thread(s) has been running for about two years and never a civil word spoken. Except by accident.

Remember, there may be no OSX version, but at least we don't have to wait a year after the Windows release for someone to port it to Mac!


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