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Good to hear that the GF4 improved anti-aliasing is comparable to the superb Voodoo5 hardware anti-aliasing. I went from a voodoo5 (went it finally burned out) to a GF3 and the quincunx software anti-aliasing did not come close to the voodoo5 quality. I was pretty bummed with the GF3 as it consigned me back to the nether regions of sparkly-grainy-creepy-crawly CM visuals. Yet another reason to go for a GF4....oh dear my wallet hurts already.


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Your welcome. Looks like your zeroing in on the "death clock" term hit gold. Madmatt taking the time to give the details was very nice to see. Posting the report was worth it just to get even more information. Thanks.


Yea, I remember debating here about Anti-Aliasing and how the nVIDIA cards just did not measure up to Voodoo5 AA. Games like CM and SFC show cased the difference. Yet, I could not convince because most just assumed I was a 3dfx worshiper. Until you see the difference, I guess you'll just never believe.

The GeForce4 AAx4S is still not as good as the Voodoo5 5500. I have two PCs with these two video cards and its amazing that the much older Voodoo5 still has the best AA in town. The GeForce4 has improved it though. There is still some jaggies and texture swims that the Voodoo5 does not have, but overall, a significant improvement. Its very close now in quality, so you should feel very happy with the GeForce4, because you get the better performance with it. And also, the GeForce4 card is completely functional with CM while the Voodoo5 had some odd quirks.

All in all, I'm finally satisfied with a nVIDIA based card. Its about time!

[ July 18, 2002, 01:06 PM: Message edited by: kump ]

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