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WhooHoo - Video Freeze Update


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Well, after another weekend of frustration, and the advice of a number of people, I finally got CM to work. Rune actually deserves most of the credit, for he mentioned updating my DirectX. Here's what happened...

Rune tells me to install DX 7.0a. I can't, as Win ME already has 7.1. Grr. He says DX 8.0 is working for him, but it hasn't been released yet. Grr. I ask for a download link, and he can't give me that because of NDAs. Grr. (damn ethics always seem to get in the way wink.gif)

So I go hunting, find a link to DX8RC1 (whatever that is), install it, reinstall Nvidia 6.47 drivers, delete my CM prefs file, start CM and....Lockup mad.gif (BIG Grr)

So I fire up DXDiag, go to the display tab to run the tests (again), but wait - there's a new button that says Test AGP Texturing. Press button...lockup. Hmmmm, interesting. Reboot, go back, see button that says Disable AGP Texturing. Press button, exit, start CM...VOILA, everything works fine smile.gif FSAA at 4x4, 1280x1024, still as smooth as before, problem gone.

Any idea WHY?

Craig (a happy CMer again)

[This message has been edited by Harv (edited 11-06-2000).]

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Great! I'm glad you were finally able to figure it out! Aren't computers wonderful? wink.gif

As far as AGP Texturing, my guess is that disabling that prevents your card from storing textures in main system memory (an ability of AGP cards). Perhaps there is an incongruity between your motherboard and videocard.

Once again, congratulations!



"Liberty or Death?" Make it "Victory or Pretty Damned Badly Wounded", and I'm yours. - a prospective recruit during the American Revolution.

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Harv, I was having the same problem with my Nvidia Riva TNT card but it was more intermittant and all the time but just about all the time with the FOG turned on.

See my "Fog Table Emulation Problem" entry.

I installed the directx8 beta update and disabled the AGP texturing as it froze on me on the 3rd test (first 2 times it went ok, thus I guess probably why the intemittant problem).

I then ran some game turns with FOG turned on fully and voila no more freeze ups!

I have tried these game turns 3 times and no freeze ups so diabling the AGP texturing is the thing to do.

Thanks Harv and others for all the input on this subject smile.gif


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