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Squad 1 to Platoon Leader... Come in ... Over?

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Hey this is an interesting thought. When I am setting up my forces, sometimes I prefer to maybe remove a PIAT from one platoon and add it to another while removing a mortar from one and again adding it to another. This way I can take a platoon and make it PIAT heavy, or mortar heavy or MG heavy, you know how ever I like. The interesting thing, is that units like this are completely unloyal. They'll jump into a wheatfield with any old platoon leader, cleanshaven or not. But what about squads of guys? Has anyone ever played with their posistioning in the ranks? Assigned them to another platoon leader and had them stick to just that guy or is movement like that pretty restricted?

Just curious.

Deadeye3 :confused:

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This is a very valid thing to do if you are thinking carefully about what you want to achieve.

I often reassign squads to a Company Commander to give me more flexibility in what I am trying to achieve.

For example I have had a Company Commander with a good stealth bonus but the Platoon Commander has none.

I needed troops that could close with the enemy or skulk in the woods without being seen. I have placed the whole platoon in command of the Company Commander and made sure I sent the Platoon Commander off on a seperate task out of command range from the troops.

This is one of many strong features in the game that make this game very special.


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Unfortunately you cannot assign squads to a different platoon leader. They will not get any command benefit from a different plt leader other than the one they start with. However, you can do as Holien suggests, and assign squads to a company or battalion leader.

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