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Mod use in an PBEM game

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I would like to use an mod,for example a other fire mod downloaded from here.

When I now play with someone and this someone has not the specific mod installed could this bring problems when we would play with e-mail ?

Should my opponend also have the same mod's installed as me or is this not needed ?

Thank's for any tip's

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If your opponent doesn't know either, I would recommend sending him your mods to keep the installed mods the same "for compatibility reasons".

Of course, you set the textures for the Jagdpanther or whatever your favourite surprise egg is to all pure pink in that set of textures, which makes your Jagdpanther quite stealthy :D

While you're at it, the markers for units which are currently out of sight (the simple cross etc.) also make useful objects for this kinda of worka.

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Originally posted by redwolf:

If your opponent doesn't know either, I would recommend sending him your mods to keep the installed mods the same "for compatibility reasons".

Of course, you set the textures for the Jagdpanther or whatever your favourite surprise egg is to all pure pink in that set of textures, which makes your Jagdpanther quite stealthy :D

While you're at it, the markers for units which are currently out of sight (the simple cross etc.) also make useful objects for this kinda of worka.

Make the markers pink.... :D
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Originally posted by Patgod:

you can use any mods you like shape. you cant change the models in game, only the textures.

if you want my hetzer to be pink with polkadot "cammo" go right ahead, it will still pop your stuart next round ;)

I think you didn't get the gag about the pink textures.

Pink is CMBO's marker color for "transparent". The units will be invisible to anyone who has these mods installed (except for things like muzzle flash).

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