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Everything posted by Shapeshifter

  1. I had in some games also jammed gun's but after some turns the unit had not performed nothing about it the gun was still jammed,at some other point in the game I had selected a other unit with jammed MG to hide and then the unjamming was very quick performed by that unit,maybe that help's you also. I dont know if a HQ has influence on that matter. [ June 22, 2002, 02:34 PM: Message edited by: Shapeshifter ]
  2. To Redwolf I thank for your post about AT gun's. However as Mr Robert Hall had said already the 57mm/6pdr will be much more cost effective and will penetrate all the tanks in an short 75 game,for this reason of course I would prefer to purchase the smaller AT in an battle,and not the 17prd.
  3. I understand,and thanks for your reply Fionn. I would like to ask you something in your balanced short-75 rule where you say:Towed Guns Any and all Towed Guns excluding Light and Medium FlaKs - see Notes page So as British can I purchase the under support 57mm/6prd Antitank gun,and the 76mm/17prd AT in an battle plus any howitzer with calibre antil 105mm correct ? And by vehicles I must not buy any vehicles that carry an mounted with the declaration AT gun over 75mm right ? [ June 21, 2002, 04:21 PM: Message edited by: Shapeshifter ]
  4. good to see that you have find an sulution. must been happend in the same time when I was posting
  5. Friend's Calm down After so many post's specialy at this page,I feel very sorry that my topic start had such an bad outcome at the end. Sarge Saunders and Fionn,I feel very sorry that two smart people like yourself's becoming angry about each other's because of a game and some rules. Dont take the crap too personaly it is a game nothing more,nothing less.
  6. Hi Fionn You know,I think the new Balanced rules are now very better then the old one's. I played mostly in the past hack and slash QB's,but this is not so interesting,because of the Big Tank Fiesta's. Sometimes I tryed to play meeting engagement as it realy should be,including truck's for the infantry,and some smaller command vehicle for the HQ's,but then I get quickly toasted because my opponend misliked my trucks,he was prefering to have K.Tiger's and such stuff included in his arsenal. From that time I prefered to play with rules,the rules give the game more reality and interest. However your new balanced rule set is great,but how it would be when you include as a must purchase at least a small command vehicle for each HQ into the rule's,since HQ are higher ranked officer's they should have their own vehicle and stick with it during the battle as long as possible. What do you think about this idea ?
  7. Hi Sarge I thank for your suggestion about the Cromwell VIII.When I get the change I will put him in good use. Also it is very good that the Sexton now is included,this is a very fine artillery pice,with it I have maked mostly good experience in the past. Just today I have seen the new rules from Fionn in them is the example about why the AVRE is included very good explaned. However I thank for your interest and your very interesting postings.
  8. I thank for your reply's Sarge Saunders and Fionn. I was asking my question because I was afraid to make maybe an violation of the short 75 rule when I would buy the AVRE tank because of Avre's heavy calibre size. But now that I know that the Avre can not very good fight against other Armor it is clear to me why he is included in the short 75 rule. Yesterday night I maked an very interesting experiment. I set two AVRE side by side and comand tham to fire against each other in the side of the tanks. The result after each tank fired 5 shot's against each other was ZERO ! and after some more 5 shot's from each tank the one Avre had an not funktion main gun that was all, so I think this tank is maybe very great for smashing or supressing infantry but not against other Tank's. Shurly this because the low muzzle velocity as Sarge Saunder's had explaned in his post. Strange is only why this tank is called Assault Tank. Maybe a better name would be heavy support Tank or artillery Tank because of his heavy calibre but this is an other matter never mind. I just thank again for the help
  9. Greetings I have one question about the short-75 rule allow up to and including 105mm calibre artillery from Fionn. Let's say I would play under this rule in an PBEM game and I would use the British forces when I look in the included list under short 75 rule for the British then I can see that the Churchill AVRE is in the allowed section included so this is meaning I can purchase it in my game without violating the rule right ? But the Churchill AVRE has a gun 290/48 is that not too big because of to heavy calibre? I thank for any tip [ June 18, 2002, 05:07 PM: Message edited by: Shapeshifter ]
  10. To Psyched Your post is very interesting,maybe I have someday the luck to try it out on an Tiger Tank. Thank's
  11. Well I use the CM sharpshooter only for recon purpose,sometimes they can get also a good target in the scope,and they can hide good,are cheap but they are not deciding the battle at all. My opinion is that the sharpshooter unit's role is nominal in an CM-battle except the use of recon. I belive the Sharpshooter unit is only included into CM to give the game a bit more flavor.
  12. Hello Viceroy I thank you for your tip and your quick response to my post,I will try it out thank's again
  13. Greetings Two questions please Since I played alaway's QB with about 500 purchase point's against 3 opponents in the same time I had no problem with the space in my mail box I have 4 MB,but I would like to play a bigger size with some other opponent's. Does any one know how big (in MB) the txt turnfile can get when someone play's a medium to larger battles in a PBEM game? And maybe does you know wich e-mail service offer's for free more space for files ? I thank for any tip about this matter
  14. Greetings Does someone know if there will be in future also a Combat Mission in the Balkan's game ? There where also great battle's fought like for example The Italian invasion of Greece in October 1940.Mussolini's major wartime disaster. A massive Italian army blundered into the mountains of north-west Greece, where it was defeated by outnumbered Greek force's,thrown back into Albania, only to be rescued by the German invasion of Greece the following year. Or think about the German Invasion of Yugoslavia from Apr.1941. [ June 06, 2002, 04:09 PM: Message edited by: Shapeshifter ]
  15. Greetings Maybe my question is not for this specific forum,but I hope maybe someone with the technical know how could give me a tip. I have now an PC with windows XP home eddition installed,I want also have win 95 together in this PC so that i can work in pure dos mode for some old programms that i have. My question is if this could be possible and how to accomplish this. I thank for any tip's on this matter.
  16. Thank's for so many interest in this matter,at least as long as I can not see the real Pink Panther,or inspector Clouso on the battlefield screen all is in order I guess [ May 22, 2002, 02:28 PM: Message edited by: Shapeshifter ]
  17. Thank's for so many reply's,I have installed only the fire and some terrain mod that is all for the moment,I think there will be no problems because the units are the same.
  18. Greetings I would like to use an mod,for example a other fire mod downloaded from here. When I now play with someone and this someone has not the specific mod installed could this bring problems when we would play with e-mail ? Should my opponend also have the same mod's installed as me or is this not needed ? Thank's for any tip's
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