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tutorial mission with more balance

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I thought someone might want to play the tutorial

mission with a little more balance.

(I know most old timer have this one figured out)

You can get this set up by selecting + 25% Axis in the play balance section (at the "choose side" screen) about 1 out of 3 times you will get one extra AT gun....

And yes I was able to win with the axis side after a few trys with just One more AT gun...


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I didn't say I won right off the bat ,I think it was the 3rd or 4th try with this set up. And yes I had a problem with amo running out. as soon as I knocked out the t 34"s I shifted both at guns

just to the other side of the flag and used them as much as pos and tryed to keep the rest of the troops from firing unless it was reeeealy needed,

they mosty lobed grenades.

And my hat is of to anyone that can play the axis side on the mission and win just as it is set up.........


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Uh ... yeah, that would be the side with the grey uni's in the woods on the hill by the flag, right? ;)

Seriously, the a/i led with the tanks, and due to command delay, my ATG was able to take on one tank at a time. Neither tank was knocked out, they just bailed. The ATG then went to work with its HE. One of the infantry squads did run low on ammo, so I just ordered a counter clockwise rotation of that squad units on that side and brought up the other squad with nearly a full ammo load.

[ September 04, 2002, 11:35 PM: Message edited by: Agua ]

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I think the Tutorial can only be won without extra troops if one is lucky with the ATG in killing both Tanks early.


With a gun and a Squad and 1 HQ one can get the Russians panicked using arcs on the open between two forests. Posting the other Squad together with a HQ in ambush near the entry point into wood with flag kills eventual intruders. But key is to neutralize tanks early.



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