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Anyone willing to test a Market Garden Scenario?

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I have just put on the final touches for my second Market Garden related scenario. My first one was a bit rusty cause the AI. :rolleyes:

It's "Take the Field" if anyone is interested and is avaliable at the scenario depot.

Well this one I am happy to say, has had a touch more personal testing and gives some exciting play though only as the British. Try to get the last comapny of red devils off the northern side of the Rhine as the German steam roller advances!

All I have to do is finish off the briefings and then I'll email it out to any willing beta testers, so please leave your email below if interested.

Thanx in advance.


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Post it my way, I've walked the battlefield in this area so I'd love to see it.

I'll be releasing an Oosterbeek game soon and a collaegue at der Kessel will be releasing a Westerbouwing game too. With Airborne Assault on the brew and a bevy of CM scenarios are we developing a theme?

Anyone for Holland this Easter?

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errrrr,its The Netherlands

Holland is just a province!!

If anyone do comes over to see my country and wants to play a game (while the wife is watching the flowers,windmills and other non interesting stuff),drive to Soest

and pay me a visit

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