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wheres my tigers??????

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Ah... sounds like you are playing with the prebattle loss option turned on. This feature allows you to overpurchase units. For example, a 1000 point game will give you 1200 points to spend (or something like that). After you make your purchases the game goes through and intelligently "kills off" 200 points worth of units. I mean "intelligently" because it kills things off in a way that leaves you with a realistic force. For example, it doesn't kill off all your HQs or all squads in a platoon leaving just a HQ.

How do you know ahead of time what will be killed off? You can't smile.gif And that is the only way to do it.

So yeah... sometimes you can lose something rather central to your force. For example, in one test I bought a Sturmtiger. Guess what got killed off? smile.gif Why did the system kill off this vehicle? Because if it didn't almost all my infantry would have had to be eliminated because the value of the Sturmtiger was about the price of a Battalion. And since you can't kill off PART of the vehicle, the whole thing had to go. This is another example of the system being intelligent.

BTW, last game I played I bought a crudload of low cost artillery for my Soviet force. Darned if all of it wasn't killed off!! At first I was pissed and then I thought about it. Hmmm... urban battle in fog... what was I going to do with the artillery even if I had it smile.gif


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In the QB settings just put your casualties on "none". Now the computer won't take away any of the units u picked. So when u play a 1000pt QB game u get the 1000pts worth of units. Not the 1200 or so pts subtracted by the casualties. ;)

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