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Screen Shots

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My girlfriend is making me pay rent this next week so I will have to wait until Christmas for CMBB. (I know, I rather be homeless)

In any case, could any of you guys out there throw me some screen shots of some of your games. I am a screen shot junkie and need a fix. Also, has anyone ever tried to make a small video of a complete game with all the recorded moves? There has to be some way to view these games as one long movie, showing each turn together to perhaps show a complete game.


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I'll post a some in a bit. I'm about to go to lunch, so when I come back I'll post a few pics showing some heroic, Finnish ski troops close assaulting a T-34!

Here's a teaser for you. Note the grenade in flight.


More to come after I eat my samich.

[ September 26, 2002, 03:55 PM: Message edited by: tiborhead ]

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