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CMBB Release in Europe

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Having downloaded the Demo, I went to CDV site to enquire about Price & Postage etc...

Hold and behold CMBB isn't even part of the products yet! There is only a small review of future stuff which speak about CMBB. No release date, no price, no nothin'...

As Battlefront said the release was going to be on the Sept 20th, I got really shocked that we were so close of the date and still nothing.

Since, I have noticed that in Battlefront, the release date is now "This Fall"!

Anybody know something about any delays?

I live in France and already we had to put up with a German distributor and their queer attitude to SS and things, so I would be really annoyed if the Europrean release date was different from the US one, or if there was going to be any more delays.


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Originally posted by Moon:

CDV Combat Mission Website

Seems to answer most questions, and allows you to check for languages and territories, too.


With respect, I followed your link and clicked for the English language page. There it simply states that the game will be released in Germany on 20.9.2002, but for other "other countries" the release date is shown as "tba". Mind you on the panel to the right there is the bald statement, "Release 2nd Half 2002". I clicked on each of the menu items and did not see any other information regarding release dates save the ubiquitous and meaningless, "Coming Soon". Therefore I am moved to the tentative hypothesis that the site may not give the information that your post suggested it did. The counter-hypothesis that I am a brainless weasel and missed the bleedin' obvious I have not, of course, excluded, but feel is unlikely to be true.

I fear that, as indicated in another thread, we non-German Europeans will be getting the game some weeks at least after the rest of the world. Against which fate we may wail and gnash our teeth in vain. For, as may well be pointed out when trumpeting, cloth-rending and hair tearing begins, BFC went in with CDV for sound commercial reasons and we may be upset, even angry, about being able to buy the game only considerably after the rest of humanity but buy we shall.

I hope I am wrong but I fear the worst. Not only that but I bet we get shafted on the price too.

(edited to try and get the spelling right)

[ September 04, 2002, 05:32 PM: Message edited by: Coffin 'Enry ]

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I've just heard from a PBEM opponent, who contacted CDV directly rather than speculating here. The reply he received was that the game will be released in the UK in late September/early October and will probably cost £29.99.

[ September 04, 2002, 06:10 PM: Message edited by: Firefly ]

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