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Why are operation files so large?

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With each PBEM file that is saved, everything about the Operation is saved in it: the map, the on board units, operation paramaters, reinforcements, unit movement, unit fire, etc...

The number of units doesn't really make much difference in file size, unless a large number of the units are firing or moving. You say that nothing is happening except movement. That tells me that you and probably your opponent are both moving a lot of units, this dramatically increases the file size.

Also you probably arn't seeing the entire map. Operation maps are usually larger than battle maps although only a small portion of the overall map is show in any given battle. But the map size is still very small compared to the affects of movement and fire resolution.

I've played PBEM single battles where the file size reached 1.5 megs for some turns. These were turns where there was lots of firing and/or movement.

Bottom line: since there isn't any firing in your operation yet, your file size is large due to a lot of movement.

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In fact there's no difference between Scens and Ops as for file sizes.

Movie are necessarily larger, the file has to have ALL events of the turns. So it goes from 100 Kb up to 2 Mb according to what happens : moves, fire, ...

Whereas order files are very small, in fact the entire map + units + orders are under 50K in all cases I've seen.

The movie file size is the factor slowing very much IP play when on telephone modem (up to 56 Kb), for my part only since I have broadband do I play IP games.

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OK, well that contradicts was was said by the other poster. Here's the deal.I'm playing Drive To Mortain PBEM as Americans. I have a bunch of units, but not more than I have had in some other scenarios, (though I haven't played with this much armor in a PBEM before). The movie files for the first few turns, where there was no firing going on, only movement, were in the 900K range which was larger than any other file I'd ever seen, including those with lots of firing, arty, etc. This seemed odd to me...

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