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The Tank Rush is ALIVE!

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In the scenairo (snip) you have quite a few Shermans for a large city attack. The Germans have Panthers distributed several places. I had four Shermans on a large street who just smoke screened themselves from a Panther on the same road, being lucky not to lose anyone except a TC (lost two Shermans on another street someplace else, luck strikes good here, bad there). Hmmm... because of the way the scenario map was done, these poor Shermans could not find another route. It had to be straight ahead. Should I wait for the smoke to clear and trade frontal shots? Frontal shots on Panthers? Not on your life! I noticed this particular Panther was only 350+ meters away, which graphical wise, looked pretty far, but Shermans are fast and just maybe...

I decided to take my four Shermans and "Fast" them to the Panther to point blank range, surrounding it on all sides. When you lack the quality, you use the quantity. These tank rushes worked well with miniatures, and I was sure the road pavement would give my Shermans speed. Man, was the tension high, because I would also be out in the open and there could be other Panthers or things covering further out. The charge could be a deadly mistake. But staying and waiting for the smoke to clear could even be more deadlier.

I'm impressed! Worked just like I thought it would. WOW! Those Shermans raced out of the smoke like a dream come true. Speed demons those things are on roads! They completely surrounded the Panther. The Panther got one Sherman, not unexpectedly, for how could it miss! But no way that turret was going to turn fast enough before, YEAAA.. a Sherman at the rear of the Panther put it to sleep! What a rush!!! It worked! I traded an M4A2 Sherman for a Panther G, nice trade.

Then payment continued. One other Sherman brewed when hit from another Panther G much further out. Damn, just what I feared. First thought, CHARGE! But now I was down to two Shermans for this platoon and the quantity equation wasn't so good any longer. Ran to cover instead!

LOVE this game. With this kind of play, it will be around a long, long time.

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This brings up a something I've been wondering about: How well does the AI know and understand turret speed differences? Sometimes when a Panther suddenly appears at close range the best thing to do is charge past it, rather than pop smoke and retreat. I can't imagine a green crew doing this, but vets or higher might be able to.

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I had something similar happen with a gun, where the fog of war made me braver than I normally would be. Actually, it is more like, "Fools rush in where angels fear to tread." A jeep had identified a "Gun?" the hard way, but the gun missed several times first. Based on the reload rate and the size of the explosions, I was guessing it was a 75mm infantry gun. I had a Sherman and a Hellcat nearby, so I had them charge it, figuring they could probably take it out without loss if they kept their guns blazing. The gun misses them once on the way in, and they halt about 25m away. They start shooting, and the gun gets off a shot that immobilizes the Sherman. I saw this as more evidence it was merely an IG. The next few rounds from my armor knocks out the gun, which is then revealed to be an 88mm Flak! Is is bad form to fill your pants once the shooting is over and you realize what you did? Things had gone my way, but I probably would not have charged an 88, especially since I had a 105 observer that could have done the job. Gotta love that FOW.

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I can tell you from painfull experience that the AI has no problem with the turret speed difference. I just finished playing a scenario where I lost two Pz IVH's to one Sherman because that Sherman gunned past my tanks and used the turret speed advantage of the Sherman to kill them both. Every time I've played has the Germans and the AI has Shermans at least one Sherman tries to do that manuver.

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Guest Michael emrys

In one scenario, I had my lone remaining Sherman go on a wide flanking maneuver to get behind (or at least on the flank of) the lone remaining Pz. IV while my infantry kept him distracted. As the Sherman was getting into position, I gave it a Hunt command and targeted the Panzer, counting on the Sherman to fire as soon as he broke cover. The turn proceeds and I am watching from near the Pz. IV. I see that the Sherman has now spotted the Pz. IV and halted. Now the Pz. IV has spotted the Sherman and now the turret is beginning to turn on to the Sherman, and I'm going, "Shoot, shoot! For Chrissake, SHOOT!" Finally, about two seconds before the Pz. IV's cannon would have beared on target, the Sherman fired and killed. Whew! The OK Corral had nothin' on this shootout.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Michael emrys:

"Shoot, shoot! For Chrissake, SHOOT!" Finally, about two seconds before the Pz. IV's cannon would have beared on target, the Sherman fired and killed<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

LOL! How many times have I sat here exhorting a Sherman, 'shreck team, 75mm AT gun etc et to do that! "Shoot! Shoot ya mongrel! Shoo...! Awww shoot! Why dinya shoot?"



"Them Yankees couldn't hit the broa..."

[This message has been edited by OberGrupenStompinFeuhrer! (edited 07-03-2000).]

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