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Map previews for ops/scen in CMBB?

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I'm sure this has been brought up before but will we be able to preview a map of a scenario or operation with ease? If you intend to play a scenario/op double blind in CMBO, you physically have to load the game, pick a side, start the game at the setup screen, and try to force yourself not to look at the units/their setup areas as you check out the map.

For me, the map design is a major reason for picking a scen/op to play.

Similarly, there is a lot more about an operation, for example, that would be good to know without having to virtually start the game or load up the operation in the editor tongue.gif

eg. The type of operation (attack, destroy etc), the no-mans-land setting, the virtual length of the entire operation map

Lt Bull

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Originally posted by Lt Bull:

I'm sure this has been brought up before but will we be able to preview a map of a scenario or operation with ease? If you intend to play a scenario/op double blind in CMBO, you physically have to load the game, pick a side, start the game at the setup screen, and try to force yourself not to look at the units/their setup areas as you check out the map.

For me, the map design is a major reason for picking a scen/op to play.

Similarly, there is a lot more about an operation, for example, that would be good to know without having to virtually start the game or load up the operation in the editor tongue.gif

eg. The type of operation (attack, destroy etc), the no-mans-land setting, the virtual length of the entire operation map

Lt Bull

Uh, is not the point of playing double blind to have both players never having looked at the battle before?


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Originally posted by wwb_99:

Uh, is not the point of playing double blind to have both players never having looked at the battle before?


Hmmm. Well depends what you mean by "looking at the battle". If you could just preview the map for an operation or scenario before playing it, would it ruin it for you and your opponent if you intend to play "double-blind"? I don't think so. How could it "spoil" things? As long as both players have no idea about the other players setup area, units and reinforcement schedule (apart from what may be given to them in the brief), then all is well. There would be few situations in WW2 where CM scale commanders didn't know what the terrain within say 5km around them was like.

As a matter of fact, I would argue that in operations, it is a real bummer not really knowing the full length of the battlefield or not being told explicitly what the "no-mans -land" setting is. A CM scale commander would know what kind of terrain is immediately around them and command their troops accordingly. In CMBO operations, the defender has no idea whether or not the current map they are defending is any better for defence than the map immediately behind them, or even if it is the last map in the operation. Surely this kind of knowledge would dictate how strongly a defender should defend a map. The attacker faces similar questions that in the scale of CMBO, would be knowledge "in real life".

As a bit of an aside, I have also thought that having the option of randomly variable no-mans-land in operations might better model the uncertainty faced of where the enemy might be in battles. Perhaps it could also some how be linked to the outcome of each battle.

I would like to know how other CMers select ops/scens to play. Is just reading a few lines of descriptive text normally enough?

I have a feeling the answer to my original question is no :(

Lt Bull

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I agree with Lt. Bull that it would be a good feature to have a preview of the map and the story line behind the scenario.

On my web page, I try to include this feature in order that players can make up their mind whether or not a particular scenario fits their needs. I created topviews and screenshots of the map and give a description of the parameters. (see e.g.: the clickable Clervaux map.) You can already look at the location of VL's, size and natural obstacles you have to deal with.

The Scenario Depot too did a good job to include previews.

It would be great if the briefings could include pictures or military topomaps that explain your mission (ever been to a military briefing without a map ?)

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Correct me if Im wrong here, but didn't BTS mention that we can now play QB's on pre-made maps?

So now you can design a map to your liking (or simply download one), show it to your opponent, and then use it for a QB and pick your own units. Unless I misunderstood your initial request this would take care of everything you wanted, right? smile.gif

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Originally posted by The Commissar:

Correct me if Im wrong here, but didn't BTS mention that we can now play QB's on pre-made maps?

So now you can design a map to your liking (or simply download one), show it to your opponent, and then use it for a QB and pick your own units. Unless I misunderstood your initial request this would take care of everything you wanted, right? smile.gif

I have heard something along those lines Commissar for QBs, but I am not sure if it will work the same way. I am thinking of having a "preview map" button on the scen/op menu screen so you can view the scen/op map right there and then. I have been generally been specifically refering to custom scen/ops rather than QBs in this discussion BTW.

McAuliffe: The work you and other put in to supply map preview screens when "advertising" scens/ops is awesome. It must be a lot of work doing it for every scen/op you come across but I am grateful for it. What would we have to rely on without it? (a "preview map" button perhaps!!! tongue.gif )

Lt Bull

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