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CMBO with XP PRO & Geforce4 TI4600?

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Update your video drivers and all should be fine. The drivers that come with XP that support NVidia GeForce cards are based on the 12.40's which have a 'white transparency' problem.

Some people have had problems with XP not seeing the CMBO CD and having CM stop due to copy protection. This problem IS NOT consistent and has only happened for a few people and no particular CD/DVD drive model(s)/brand(s) has been identified as a common culprit. Sometimes this is fixed by setting CM to a compatiblity mode of 'Windows 2000', other times replacing the CD drive or updating its firmware is necessary (or possibly updating the IDE/Chipset drivers). There should be no known incompatibilities between CM's copy protection scheme and most CD/DVD drives (except the CDV European release which uses a much more intensive copy protection scheme).

[ June 29, 2002, 03:56 PM: Message edited by: Schrullenhaft ]

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The TI 4600 will run CM great. I hated all GeForce cards. Well, actually, all nVidia cards.

CM looked a whole lot cleaner on my Voodoo5 card because the Anti-Aliasing looked so much better. The textures swim with the GeForce Anti-Aliasing, it couldn't really come close. There truly was no comparison. I owned GeForce 3 and was not too pleased. It ran my FPS stuff best though.

Now I have the TI 4400 GeForce 4 card and am very happy with it. Set the Anti-Aliasing to "4xS (Direct3D only)" mode and CM will be perfect. Finally I have a GeForce card that has good Anti-Aliasing and its perfect for CM.

I had some issues with the CM cursor in briefing menus with Voodoo card. Transparent smoke was a killer with performance. No such thing with the GeForce 4.

However, the GeForce 4 card will exibit oddities at certain AA settings. But at 4xS, everything looks better and best of all, no issues at all. The text is perfect, the transparent smoke is perfect, performance is great, and so on.

I was sad to see 3dfx go out of business, especially since they made the best card for CM. Well, used to make the best card for CM. Finally, the GeForce 4 introduces an AA mode that truly does CM justice. Thank you nVidia for finally catching up. You will have a blast.

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