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Lord of Destruction; aka the 75L70: SPOILERS

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So, after a week of playing CMBB, I have come to TRULY appreciate(fear) any German vehicle mounting this gun. OK, so the number of AFV's is limited to the Panther and the Jagdpanzer IV/70, but lord have mercy, that's two vehicles too many. In CMBO, I viewed the Panther as a 'nice' tank to have on your side, but the weak side armour reduced it's effectiveness overall, and I preferred the Tiger. If you combine this gun with the new German optics rules, steppe terrain, and large maps, the Panther truly comes into it's own. I have played the Magnuszew (sp?) Bridgehead operation and the Jagdmeister scenario from both sides several times now, and the deciding factor in both are the Panther and it's gun, or at least it seems that way to me. NOTHING in the Russian arsenal has the front armour to deal with it! I except the JS III and SU-100 which I have not yet had the chance to test. In Jagdmeister, I lost 4 JS-2's in 15 seconds to a combined 6 hits from the 75L70 FROM THE FRONT, WHILE HULL DOWN! In the Bridgehead operation, there is a nice hill on the German left that commands a very large portion of the battlefield. As the Germans, by the fourth or fifth scenario when you get a platoon of Jagdpanzer IV/70's as reinforcement, I still had 3 Panthers operational and that hill is where I sited all seven vehicles. When the AI setup the Russians across the board, it took all of about 30 seconds to kill eight T-34's, leaving one that got to cover in time.


Anyway, I will have to develop tactics specifically to deal with the Panther, probably using T-34's and their speed for flanking maneuvers.

Thanks for letting me vent.


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"Anyway, I will have to develop tactics specifically to deal with the Panther, probably using T-34's and their speed for flanking maneuvers."

Smoke Missions my friend. Plan on using lots of 76.2mm spotters to lay down a ton of smoke to cover your advance. Otherwise get ready to say hello to Mr 88...

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Originally posted by Barticus:

In Jagdmeister, I lost 4 JS-2's in 15 seconds to a combined 6 hits from the 75L70 FROM THE FRONT, WHILE HULL DOWN!

Try the shoot and scoot command combined with narrow cover armour arcs. Those ten ISIIs took out every Panther and Tiger on the map for me at a loss of only two units when I tried that scenario.
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Yes, yes, valid points all.....but;

I prefer to play custom scenarios, and most scenario authours don't usually give you enough light artillery to lay down a really effective smoke screen.

The 88L71 and 128mm gun on the Jagdtiger are both fearsome weapons, but their superiority is only really apparent at longer ranges, say over 1.5 km, and their rate of fire is much less than the 75L70.

The 75L48 is a very nice gun too, and there certainly are alot of them, but with most of those vehicles, I can usually kill what's mounting them without too much difficulty. Both the Panther and the Jgdpnz IV/70 shed 76mm and 85mm shells like a duck sheds water.

Time to start playing with the SU series of SPG's and see what I can do.

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Originally posted by Agua:

Try the shoot and scoot command combined with narrow cover armour arcs. Those ten ISIIs took out every Panther and Tiger on the map for me at a loss of only two units when I tried that scenario.

Yes, I have come to the conclusion that this is what I will have to do. I tried it with the ISU-152's in that scneario, and the two of them KO'd the Tigers pretty quickly. Unfortunately, the Panthers had line of sight too, and were quicker on the draw. The Russians lost out....again.
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