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Does CMBB use pixel shading or multi-texturing??

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This is why I would like to know:

"The Radeon 9000 keeps the quad pixel pipeline engine from the 8500 but only has one DX 8.1 programmable vertex shader. The 8500 had two vertex shaders. To compensate for the loss of a vertex shader, ATI has added a faster triangle setup engine that was taken from the 9700. This means the 9000 is slower than the 8500 when handling complex vertex shaders or Truform, but equal or slightly faster than the 8500 when handling lots of simple polygons. Speaking of Truform, the Radeon 9000 only partially supports Truform in hardware. The implementation is incomplete in the current driver set but will be in a future driver release.

Each pipeline in the 9000 only has one texture unit while the 8500 has two. The TMU on the 9000 is actually more advanced since it was taken from the 9700 TMU design. Both chips can still apply six textures per pass but the 9000 will require 6 loop backs. The games that use large amounts of textures will generally run a bit slower on the 9000 than the 8500. On the other hand, the 9000 will have significantly higher performance in the games that use pixel shaders heavily because of the more efficient pixel shader units. The 9000 adds support for higher precision 32-bit texture formats, and 10 bits per color channel vs. 8 bits in the 8500."


This may enable Radeon 9000 owners to get more from the card.

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