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Bogging is beginning to really piss me off (Spoiler + Rant)

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A Battle of Minors














I've played this battle about 10 times (vs. Same Human) and I always seem to loose one of the TA Assault Guns in the scattered woods where they start due to bogging. I've tried everything that I can think of but these things seem to bog and go immobile at the drop of a hat.

Well, this last game, I've lost 2 TA Assault Guns to bogging in their start positions and it's gotten me pretty pissed me off.

Rant over. You may lock the thread, now.

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Though I've always wished "bogging" was one of those realism things that were optional in CM and can totally understand your ire (I share it), I've learned to live with it. Reality sucks sometimes.

Are your units not starting "fixed in place"? If so, its your fault. I'm pretty sure you wouldn't have posted in this case anyway, so then either the scenario designer has intentionally added a large variable where you will not get those assets active or could be just plain sloppy scenario design.

In either case, if it bugs you, move on to another scenario. There are already almost a hundred of them and a ton more to come. Good luck just trying to keep up smile.gif


1) Use scenario designer to move the tanks where you want.

2) Give yourself a bonus and you may get additional tanks outside the scattered woods, but may be too much a push over.

3) Play the other side :D

[ October 23, 2002, 09:55 AM: Message edited by: kump ]

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Run 3 tests with 9 T34 in deep snow

First run 10 turns drove about 1 km and back,2 tanks bogged but got free again. no immobilizings.

Second run 10 turns drove again 1 km and back.

6 boggings and 5 immobilizing tanks(!)

Third try, same distances same turns.

3 boggings and 2 immobilizes.

So its not so bad after all I guess

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Question to the bogging:

It's known that with winter 1942 most german tanks were outfitted with so called Winterketten or Wintertracks which were manually attached extensions to the tracks for Pz3 & Pz4 -chassis family. Is this simulated in the game, or will i always helplessly bog down in snow ? (Fact is the tracked vehicles were the only ones who could "savely" move in snow).

Later on for general improvement (Mud, snow and the like) so called "Ostketten" or Osttracks were issued for P3- and P4- family Chassis which were effectively wider tracks (You had to remove the normal track and mount the Osttracks instead).

Both this measures would considerably lower the groundpressure of german P3 & P4-chassis.

Any observations ?



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My observations is that psi does not change when snow is on the ground, regardless which models historically had the track extensions, so it appears they are not taken into account. German thin track high psi vehicles better stick to roads.

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A long time ago...far...far away, I used to drive a little M114A1E1. (Recon platoon, 2/81 Armor, 1st Armored Div) It was a fully tracked, armored vehicle. The only time I ever bogged/imobilized this vehicle is when I broke through some ice into a pond. Burried up to my lights. But otherwise through mud, snow, etc. I never bogged down. In fact, during four years, I can not remember seeing anybody else tank, pc, or scout vehicle bogged down. Broken down because of engine or track failure yes, bogging down no.

Just my 2 cents.

Magic Cat

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Ooops. A couple of people have advised us not to go "Fast". Are you sure? In this same scenario, after I got a couple bogged just where OP said, "moving" I decided to go Fast, and thereafter had no problems. My intuition says it will help to speed over those muddy places rather than try to tiptoe through them.



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Yah...I was just using the MOVE command until I cleared the scattered trees.

I thought maybe the vehicles might be more suseptable to bogging because of some lard butt in the mounted infantry squad. As you know, infantry reinforcements now come pre-mounted on vehicles (great new feature!).

The fellow I'm playing against is learning the game. He's read his manual, but by repeating the same game several times, he's able to concentrate on learning more details about the units and strategy.

It was just annoying, that's all. Maybe the patch will help.

Thanks for all the replies!

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