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How will CMBB have this info displayed?

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I think it would be helpful (convenient) if the 'casualties caused' info on the INFO/KILLS screen were on the UNIT INFORMATION screen in some manner. Maybe just + + + or * * * symbols as a visual aid so you would know at a glance which units are being effective.

I am not asking for a change in the FOW as to knowledge about kills.

I think this little addition would add a great deal of satisfaction to game play.

Wanting to be satisfied..... Toad

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Sir Agustus,

Yes. You know how good it feels when you hear one of your tank commanders yell, "Got him !". And you know how awful it is when you see the number of your own men on your Unit Information screen start going down. So how about a record of unit successes (kills) right there, without having to use the Enter button and having the entire screen halved in the process.

This would add extra enjoyment to the replay of a turn as well.

Lets have more fun. Toad

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