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Sound Effects in CMBB

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Hi, i was wondering as to how much the sound effects have been improved in CMBB. Will mortars exploding and grenades sound more like,...well a grenade going off, instead of a mild fire cracker underwater.

Constructive criticism mind you, put the noose and pitchforks away!! :D

[ July 17, 2002, 11:09 AM: Message edited by: Gaylord Focker ]

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Not a beta tester, so I have no first hand experience. I spend insane amounts of time wandering around this forum, so this is what I've heard:

The down low is that there is a considerable improvement in the sounds in CMBB, both in number of sounds (like the addition of setup/breakdown sounds for MGs & Mortars, and marching sounds), and quality of the sound files themselves.

It's worth noting that if you don't like the way the current CMBO sounds are, you can change them - the WAV files for the sounds are just as moddable as the skins for the vehicles are. I have been known to replace CMBO WAV files with cartoon sound effects WAVs on occasion just for laughs. My favorite is to replace the 'incoming round' sound and the explosion sounds with the falling anvil and anvil hit sound from Looney Tunes. Adds a whole new twist to the game. :D

I think it's safe to assume that CMBB will incorporate this same 'open architecture' and allow you to swap WAV files at will.



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Originally posted by YankeeDog:

It's worth noting that if you don't like the way the current CMBO sounds are, you can change them - the WAV files for the sounds are just as moddable as the skins for the vehicles are.

Just a reminder for those who have forgotten, but CMMOS has the same file-switching capability for sound that it does for graphics. The reason I put the Sound of Music mod together in the first place was to graphically illustrate this point, and maybe encourage someone to start writing CMMOS sound RuleSets. I knew so little about sound when I started that project that the first thing I did was to accidently create a wave file of Hamstertruppen singing Panzerlied...

So if you want to make a set of ... uh, ... original sounds, but don't want to be locked into them forever, make a CMMOS ruleset and you will be able to switch back and forth between them at the push of a button.

And yes, there will be a CMMOS for CMBB (one of the many reasons why I am collecting Russian music).

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The most distinctive, "signature" change in the sound, to me, was the MGs. They sound downright scary. One fellow at the Chicago beta face to face was doing a Stalingrad style urban fight, and the small arms racket was impressive. YMMV.

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Infantry firefights are a bit of an aural assault right now ;) .

When a company lines up vs a platoon dug in with HMG support and grenades, FTs, HMGs and supporting tanks all fire in support it gets quite "interesting" ;) .

I think the sound improvements are notable... of course I still maintain that the MEAT of the game is in the codebase ( realism and scope etc) and that graphics and sound improvements are "nice" but not at all essential and that what makes CM:BB worth having are all the major improvements to the code base. Still, the graphics and sound are a nice addition to the realism improvements ;)

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Since I am the Sound Engineer on CMBB I think I am in a position to answer this.

First off, the grenade effect in CMBO is actually the recording of a grenade explosion. Don't base your concepts of sound effects on Hollywood. ;)

Now then, are the sounds improved? Well I would like to think so.

This time around I had access to live recordings (in some cases I was the one firing them) to many of the weapons and vehicles featured.

Not only is the amount of individual weapons increased but I have also added how many samples PER weapon you will hear. For example, in CMBO there were 5 sounds for the MG-42. Now there are 12 individual bursts sounds for the MG-42 and 12 for the MG-34 in CMBB! From several short staggered burst to one long sustained burst I have tried to create a good mix.

I have added that type of detail to every weapon sound that I could. Russian PPsh's sound different than German MP-40's or MP-44's and all have samples with various burst amounts and lengths.

Russian DP MG's (vehicle mounted MG) sound different than the German MG-34 internally mounted (coax and bow) MG's which in turn sound different than the normal MG-34 carried by infantry and MG teams.

Unfortunately I was not able to incorporate all of my ideas due to lack of time. Somethings like ambient sounds (boots on various surfaces, setup sounds) won't be in. But there is a whole new type of sound effects you will be hearing in CMBB that will you wont soon forget. I am keeping those a secret for the time being but rest assured that they increase the immersion level a great deal.

I didnt stop with just increasing weapons sounds either. The voice scripts were totally re-written and added to. There are now 49 individual triggering catagories for voices. What does that mean?

Okay, in CMBO when your guys came under fire the game randomly picked from about 10 different samples to play a voice sound. It could be something like "Artillery!" or "Get Down" or "Take Cover". Those sounds were all in a catagory for "Unit Under Artillery/Grenade Fire". All movement was ONE single Catagory of sound.

In CMBB the voices are catagorized with greater detail and the code knows that when a unit is under attack by a grenade that is should say "Grenade". It knows that when unit is under fire from artillery as opposed to general incoming enemy fire and will play appropriate sounds for each. Movement commands yelled now match the actual orders given.

All countries have voices in their native language so you should brush up on you Russian, Finnish, Hungarian, Polish, German, Italian and Romanian.

Those new voice catagories are really cool (they should be, I spent a year working on them!) and I think they add a lot of realism to a part of CM that was in need of an audio overhaul.

I wasnt able to redo every sound though but I think about 90% of them are new or improved.

Wait to you "hear" what I have in store next time...


[ July 17, 2002, 09:33 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]

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Not that Madmatt's aural bone needs to be affirmed, but I'll do it anyway.

The effect of these changes is a real treat for the ears if you consider the cacophonous din of brutal combat and terrifying shocks of sudden death to be a treat.

The sound is much 'fuller' and along with some of the other new features, this adds a great deal to the immersive experience of watching the mad minute.

Again the attention to detail and making the most out of existing engine adds true value and knocks out any thought that CM:BB will just be the old game with Soviet tanks.

Get ready for the Wargame of the Year awards. This is my prediction. Perhaps even game of the year by any source that is not contaminated by console twitchers and the like. Let it be written, let it be so.


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  • 3 weeks later...
Originally posted by Joseph Porta:

Madmatt - the sounds/effects you don't have time to implement : Any chance of seeing them in a later patch, or must we wait until the engine rewrite ?

Doubtful. What I may try and do is sneak in some updated replacements for some of the few remaining CMBO sounds that are carried over but you won't get any "added" sounds in a patch. One problem is of space, as in space on the CD. Right now we are at the max. We can't add anything more, literally.

Now while we can "replace" any old stuff in patches you must remember that at some point those patches will be intergrated into new CD masters (so the game is current when purchased) and those too must not be over a specific size.

Most of my sound ideas WERE implemented, the ones that didn't make it are not going to be noticed, since you never got to hear them in the first place. ;)

Once we begin the engine re-write Charles and I are going to have a nice long chat about sound, sound effects and things I would like to see added in this aureal arena.


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Originally posted by Madmatt:

First off, the grenade effect in CMBO is actually the recording of a grenade explosion. Don't base your concepts of sound effects on Hollywood. ;)


You're not kidding. After witnessing and blowing up a whole bunch of stuff last week at Camp Pendelton, I can tell you that explosions in real life sound very little like the ones you see on tv
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Originally posted by Madmatt:

But there is a whole new type of sound effects you will be hearing in CMBB that will you wont soon forget. I am keeping those a secret for the time being but rest assured that they increase the immersion level a great deal. . . . .

Wait to you "hear" what I have in store next time...


You're not talking about the 'urrahhhhhhhhhhhhhh" sound for the Russian human wave attacks are you? I believe you or some other BTS'er already spilled that bean a while back. But don't let that stop you from giving another bone.
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