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KO'd Panzers and Vehical recovery

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Hi BTS, does the code and the time allow a tank recovery vehical option for CMBB (bergepanthers)?

This would only be implemented in operations where you could buy say 2 bergpanther and during the gameplay drive one up to a KO'd Tiger and ,using coding much like the rehitching of AT and INF guns, allow you to attache a tanks and drag it back to your "safe" zone? This would be a great little toy and allow you to set goals within the mission that are centered on the securing and recovery of two or three heavy tanks!

Good idea or not so hot?


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True, yes it is, but what I mean is instead of vehical recovery being represented in abstract I would enjoy it being dependent based on your personal efforts. Just a little idea I have been playing with and decided to share.

Jake :rolleyes:

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I have a US Gov. Printing Office manual about German tank recovery units. In the example you give, a Tiger, they'd use 2 or 3 SdKfz 7 (the great big, honkin', huge, half-track used to tow 8.8cm Flak guns around) cabled together to tow a single Tiger. The time involved would be enough for a single scenario of about 30-60 turns.


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Radio message: “Commander of 6. Kompanie hit on track.” Then things happen suddenly. A frightful crash in front and to the right. Artillery shell hit? No? It must be a mine. Immediately send radio message: “Commander Schorm on a mine, try to turn round in your own tracks.” Five meters back. New explosion – mine underneath to the left. Now it’s all up with driving. Radio message: “On getting back, went on mine again. Now mounting Panzer 623.” Back through the artillery fire for 100 meters. Got in. Radio order: “Tanks to pull back behind ridge.” The men of the mined tank are all right. The enemy is attacking with tanks but will be put to flight.

Back carefully. Then with the last tank of the company and Leutnant Roskoll, I provide cover to the north. Nine Pz Kpfw III and three Pz Kpfw II in the 6 Kompanie have had to abandon the fight owing to mines. In my platoon, the commander’s and both of the section leaders’ Panzers. Of course, the enemy went on shooting at us for some time.

A slight change of position; forward – right – backward – left! With the commander’s approval, I am to go with Leutnant Dim up in front to salvage tanks. While we are on the way, we are fired at by machine guns and anti tank guns at 550 meter range. I silence them with high explosive shells and drive the tracks of Panzer 624. I bring up the rear. Then the laborious work of salvaging begins. The anti tank fire starts up again and has to be kept in check by Lt. Dim by constant machine gun fire. Leutnant Dim runs onto a mine and damages a track. At last, I move off slowly with Panzer 624 in tow, through the gap, and a further 800 meters. 250,000 Marks are saved! The crew is really delighted to have its tank back. Further back to the Abteilung. It is now late afternoon.

Found this account in Panzertruppen Vol 1.
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