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Thanks to Tom, Andreas "Germanboy"...and BTS of course

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Just spent 5 or 10 minutes at ground level "walking" through the forest and town of Bure. It may be silly, but I usually rate maps on how much I would like to live there. I think Bure would be an awesome place to live, if it were real. I'm in the process of seeing how nice it is to attack with paratroopers; perhaps my opinion will change?

Amazing how far a game can come with the input of a few dozen crazed fanatical modders and grognards...aided and abetted by thousands of drooling fans and, dare I say it, modsluts...

Looking forward to the next one...will the steppes ever really be as beautiful as this, though?

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You are too kind, sir.

Very nice map - what snow are you using? :D

Really, I never installed Tom's snow, so I never saw the map like this. Thanks for that. Also, be advised that the map is fictitious, but the forces are as close as I could get from sources.

All the best,


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Not to hijack this thread or anything, but you want to beta test some winter British Airborne uniforms, Michael? smile.gif


They're part of the all new British uniform mod pack.

Oh, I almost forgot:


  • It's Tom's Ardennes mod snow. </font>
  • No, the berets can't be modded </font>
  • It will be released when it's ready </font>
  • It's not available anywhere, yet </font>
  • The more I get pestered about making a specific mod the LESS likely I am to do it. ;) Although if the pestering is accompanied by money (US$, please) I'll do almost anything . :D

Did I forget anything?


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Send them on, Andrew, please - I forgot to mention that I noticed my poor paras looked REALLY cold!

Did they wear the jerkin in the winter? I have absolutely no references on winter paras beyond one photo of 1 can Para taken in the Ardennes - they were wearing denisons with gloves....but then again, maybe they were just being brave for the camera?

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To be honest, I have no idea what they wore in the winter, but this outfit seems logical, and it gave them more of an alternative "winter" appearance than just giving them Denisons with gloves.

I'll send it your way. I hope you noticed my attempt, per your suggestion, to make the webbing L-staps less "wonky". smile.gif

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While we are at it, Michael, did you know your GD for CM site features in the bibliography of 'Spearhead 2 - Grossdeutschland' by M.Sharpe and B.l.Davies, publisher Ian Allan?

Also, I got a picture out of my grandfather's collection that will bring out the uniform grog in you in a bad way ;) Now if only I can get myself a new scanner...

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Originally posted by Andreas:

While we are at it, Michael, did you know your GD for CM site features in the bibliography of 'Spearhead 2 - Grossdeutschland' by M.Sharpe and B.l.Davies, publisher Ian Allan?

Also, I got a picture out of my grandfather's collection that will bring out the uniform grog in you in a bad way ;) Now if only I can get myself a new scanner...

ISN'T THAT absolutely frightening? They got the wrong URL - my old one - and don't mention my name, but I was damn shocked to see a screenshot of my home page in the index!

I hope they didn't really use it as a reference; in honestly I think it is just a space filler for them, though they specifically mention my vehicle markings page (that is where the URL points as well). I sincerely hope they did their research from primary sources, and not off the internet! I am fairly certain they would have done so - Brian L. Davis is no slouch when it comes to research.

I'll look forward to that photo, once Santa Claus brings you a new scanner....!

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I had a nice TCP/IP in that map once, and yeah, I will always remember the map and immediately remembered the game from Dorosh's picture of Bure even if the game took place a long while ago.

Great realization of a village, one of the best I've seen.

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Originally posted by Jarmo:

Is that "bulge snow" treebases with "something else snow" for the rest of the terrain? Looks good...

And the village looks really villageish, I'll have to try that one out...

It's reversed Tom Bulge snow - I did the trick that was posted on here a while ago, and renumbered the snow tiles in reverse order, so the deep snow is in the hollows and the light snow on top of the hills.
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Originally posted by *Captain Foobar*:

Hey Dorosh, how about some more screens of that town/map?

I'll go ya one better - go to the scenario depot - or to Mensch's Der Kessel - and download the scenario. I'd tell you to send me a setup but I am in the middle of a playthrough right now and don't even know what the Germans have in that town, so I don't want to spoil it.

Download the BoB snow set from Tom's - you all (Andreas included) owe it to yourselves!

In actual matter of fact - the screenshots don't do it justice. Download the scenario and mods and go for a walk down the highway and into the town - then up into the hills. It's a neat experience that can't be replicated through screenshots.

[ May 26, 2002, 06:32 PM: Message edited by: Michael Dorosh ]

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Originally posted by AndrewTF:

...some winter British Airborne uniforms...

Good Gawd those are beautiful, Andrew. I don't care if the Devils wore jerkins in the winter (i'm sure some did, c'mon :D ) but i must have those masterpieces. Need any more Brit uniform beta testers [hint, hint]? Why, I'd love to...

Have I been obnoxious enough yet?

Can't wait for your new British Uniform Pack, Andrew. And if the übergrogs reject leather winter jerkins for the Paras, then I say leave 'em in as optional for the punters!

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F-STK, in light of your support and valuable criticism in the past (that is, unqualified praise of my mods ;) ) I hereby add you to my official cadre of beta testers. Congratulations and check your e-mail.


Edited because F-STK doesn't have his e-mail listed here. Drop me a note, will you?

[ May 26, 2002, 10:47 PM: Message edited by: AndrewTF ]

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Playing this scenario against ciks (yes, I know, a non-Peng Challenger. I was rude to him; one must atone ) and it's a lovely map.

Continuing kudos to Andreas, his fellow scenario designers (without whom so much of this would not have been necessary), and to all the Modders.

You lot keep this game Great.

Also, most of you, but most especially Andreas, are a bunch of prancing EuroDance refugees looking for a Michael Flatley to take you home again.

There, I've said it, and I'm glad.

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