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Units Disobeying Orders

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I just ran through a turn in which I had a vet 234/1 completely ignore an area fire order I gave it and in addition, ignored multiple targets it had to shoot at for the entire turn. The thing that gets me most was that like I mentioned, this was a veteran unit.

I've had units unhide themselves before and open up to shoot at the enemy but I've never seen a unit that was told to shoot and didn't.

Is this something that's coded into the game? Has anyone else had an experience where your units just refused to fire or carry out your order?

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i've had units fail to move occasionally(yes i check their delay time), both vehicles and squads. they just sit there as if never given an order, but when the next order phase comes up, they still have their move orders. i can just see the lieutenant running up to the squad saying "you idiots, i ordered you to move!" the corporal replies, "oh, you mean now!?".. lol..

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i think it must be coded into the game. i just finished a turn in a pbem game. i had ordered a jackson to hunt, then reverse. it moved up on one turn, fired and missed a side shot on a king tiger as the turn ended. when i got the turn back, the reverse order was in place. i thought good, he'll backup out of sight before the king can traverse and fire back. but instead he moved a little more forward, fired another shot at the KT, which bounced off the now frontal turret armor, and was blown away. not by that tiger, but by another one which didn't have los until he moved up. very frustrating, but i think it's the game's way of adding more fog of war by occasionally disobeying orders, sometimes with fatal results...

[ June 07, 2002, 08:10 AM: Message edited by: zukkov ]

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Two situations I've encountered, where fire orders were not executed:

1) Fire orders that might affect own units (e.g. HE area fire with nearby friendly squads)

2) Area fire when there are no HE shells left

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Originally posted by zukkov:

i think it must be coded into the game. i just finished a turn in a pbem game. i had ordered a jackson to hunt, then reverse. it moved up on one turn, fired and missed a side shot on a king tiger as the turn ended. when i got the turn back, the reverse order was in place. i thought good, he'll backup out of sight before the king can traverse and fire back. but instead he moved a little more forward, fired another shot at the KT, which bounced off the now frontal turret armor, and was blown away. not by that tiger, but by another one which didn't have los until he moved up. very frustrating, but i think it's the game's way of adding more fog of war by occasionally disobeying orders, sometimes with fatal results...

My first thought is that your Jackson still had even a tiny sliver of "hunt" command left, possibly obscured beneath the tank's image. Did you use control-V to make your tank disappear and check the waypoint that way?
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