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Stalingrad, early. Playtest.

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Early Stalingrad attack in warehouses and workshops of Northern suburb of Stalingrad. Practice your new CMBB infantry tactics w/ combined arms.

Medium, 1800 pts.

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Title: Spartakovka Conquer

Type: German Attack

Date: September 12, 1942

Location: Northern Suburb of Stalingrad

Region: South

Weather: Overcast, Cool

Terrain: Damp

Wind: Windy from NW

Turns: 25+

Play 2 player or German vs AI

Background: After a second summer offensive, in which the volga had been reached but the caucasas and the oil therein had not, Hitler began to realize Russia would not fall as easily as the West. Instead of contemplating defeat he turned to a symbolic victory- the city of Stalingrad.

On September 12, over 10 German Divisions began the conquest of Stalingrad, attempting to plow the Russian defenders into the River Volga.

The 16th Pz Division would strike toward the volga from the northern outskirts of the city, into the industrial suburbs of Spartakovka and Rynok.

Reference- Stalingrad by A. Beevor

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