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CMMOS Conversion Step-by-Step: Part 3, finishing the Info.txt file

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(Following is Part 3 of CMMOS conversion instructions for Panzermartin's T-34/76 hasty whitewash tank. To join in please see Part 1 CMMOS Conversion Part 1 and Part 2 CMMOS Conversion Part 2)

Let's continue with the Info.txt file. So far, we have this much written in Notepad. Everyone have this so far?





category=Vehicles, Allied, T-34/76 whitewash

series=Zimniy Kamuflyazh




Next comes our disclaimer line. This disclaimer is simply for webmasters and others who might download and share our conversion. We'll use Gordon's "boilerplate" disclaimer with Panzermartin's name inserted, if you'd prefer, you can shorten it. Unshortened, it appears thus:

disclaimer=This mod pack is released for free unrestricted use to the Combat Mission community. Feel free to do anything you like to it, so long as modified versions are labeled as such, and credit given both to Panzermartin and any prior author (In this case, BFC). This pack may be freely posted for downloading, but must not be charged for.

Note that this long line should not have any "hard" carriage returns added, but should be entered as one statement. Stay away from that "enter" key until you type the entire line!

The final 2 lines of our Info.txt file tell CMMOS what the caption and file name of our preview picture is going to be. To keep this straighforward, we'll use the excellent picture displayed in the CM Mod Database as our preview picture. To retrieve this picture, go to the listing of Panzermartin's T-34/76 in the CM Mod Database and right click on the picture. When you right click, you'll get a popup menu, select "Save Picture as" and then navigate to your Workspace folder on your hard drive and save. We'll leave the name of the file (T34M43LATE.jpg) as is when we save it. Note that the picture is in ".jpg" format. This compressed format is required for our preview picture, we won't need to convert it.

The CMMOS manual suggests our picture should be about 600 pixels wide - our picture as downloaded is a bit large. If you have a paint program that can re-size pictures, then go ahead and reduce the picture, if not, it won't hurt to leave it larger. Once you re-size the pic, save it (no name change needed) back into your Workspace folder. be sure to leave the format as ".jpg". (If you're re-sizing the picture, you can also make a thumbnail version of the picture 300 pixels wide. Save this version as "T34M43LATE_tn.jpg" in your Workspace folder also. If you don't have a paint program and can't resize, don't worry it - we can do without it.)

Now that we've got our picture, we can tell CMMOS what caption to put above it when it's displayed in the Preview. This is what the next line we enter in Notepad does, provide the caption. We'll caption our picture "T-34 Model 1943 (late) with hasty Winter whitewash". CMMOS calls this the "preview1.name". Notice that period after the 1 ("."), and that there are no spaces. We enter this on the next line:

preview1.name=T-34/76 Model 1943 (late) with hasty Winter whitewash.

Finally (Whew! Almost done now!), we enter the file name for our picture on the next line. We've left the file name alone since we downloaded the picture into our Workspace, so we enter (again notice the period and lack of spaces) :


There! That's it, all done with the Info.txt file. Your final result should look like this:





category=Vehicles, Allied, T-34/76 whitewash

series=Zimniy Kamuflyazh




disclaimer=This mod pack is released for free unrestricted use to the Combat Mission community. Feel free to do anything you like to it, so long as modified versions are labeled as such, and credit given both to Panzermartin and any prior author (In this case, BFC). This pack may be freely posted for downloading, but must not be charged for.

preview1.name=T-34/76 Model 1943 (late) with hasty Winter whitewash.


Note that I added an extra carriage return after the disclaimer entry just to make the file easier to read. CMMOS doesn't care about a blank line here, you can add the extra "enter" or not as you see fit. Also note (just one more reminder, I promise) that there are no spaces either before or after any of the "=" signs.

Quick, before the cat steps on the keyboard and you lose your work, save the file in your Workspace folder as "Info.txt". smile.gif

Next episode, we'll tackle the Description.txt file and start talking about "rules".

- Old Dog

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Could someone please tell me how to save a picture as jpg. The ****ing computer will only let me save it as ART.art or Bitmap.bitmap.!!! Sorry about the tone here but I've come this far a long and I don't want to beaten because of something that I don't know yet. I really need some help here please. Good tutorial Old Dog.

[ December 01, 2002, 09:06 PM: Message edited by: Rob Murray ]

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Originally posted by Rob Murray:

Could someone please tell me how to save a picture as jpg. The ****ing computer will only let me save it as ART.art or Bitmap.bitmap.!!! Sorry about the tone here but I've come this far a long and I don't want to beaten because of something that I don't know yet. I really need some help here please. Good tutorial Old Dog.

Rob, are you trying to save after re-sizing the picture with some sort of paint program, or just using right click "save as" to grab the picture?

If you're just "right click saving" the T-34 pic from the CM Mod Database to your hard drive, then Windows should default to the same name and file type as the picture currently is, all you should need to do is specify a path.

If you are modifying the picture and then trying to save it, it's possible that the paint program you are using doesn't support the .jpg format and so won't do it. I know for example that MS Windows 98 "Paint" will load a .jpg image, but won't let you save it back as a .jpg file after modifying it.

- Old Dog

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I'm just right clicking on the photo and selecting " save as " & putting it in a folder that I call " Rob's Stuff ". When I try to select save as jpg I can't, the only options are ART.art & bitmap.bmp. I'm using Windows XP home. S**T I give up!!! I'm fed up with this damn game!!! This the last Battlefront game that I'll ever buy!!! I know your trying to help, Old Dog & I appreciate it but it's getting bloody frustrating. All I seem to be doing is downloading stuff & not playing the thing. You'd think that for the money that they charge for the thing you'd get at least some winter vehicles but no they don't. :mad: :mad:

[ December 01, 2002, 11:29 PM: Message edited by: Rob Murray ]

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Strange how you blame BFC for the fact that you cant use your PC correctly !

Take a moment to chill out .. think nice relaxing thoughts...listen to some relaxing music.... and when you are feeling spiritually at one with the world......Load up a decent graphics package and read the ****in help files and manual :rolleyes:

Saving an image as a .jpg or even converting images from one graphics format to another isnt difficult as long as you have the right software installed .... there are lots of commercial, shareware and freeware packages that can do this for you ....

but one thing is for certain ... if you cant do it, it isnt the fault of BFC ... its not even microsofts fault (for a change :D )

It sounds like you are trying to use XP's default graphics packages .... paint etc .... and i think thats yer problem

Email me with details of exactly what you are doing .... where is the image file you are trying to save ( on a webpage, in a zip file etc)and what format it is currently in also what graphics software you are using and i'll see if we can sort it out !! .... but you gotta chill out a little first :D


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This is a godsend Old Dog. Been following your "tut" eagerly. I'll be down in the hood to convert all those non-CMMOS CMBB mods that I've been collecting. Thanks again!


Charl Theron



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Originally posted by Rob Murray:

Lou 2000: You know I don't appreciate being called stupid! It's easy to sit back & insult me when you don't have to see me.



However you were in a totally unjustified anti-CM 'RANT & RAVE' mode, over something that was clearly not a CMBB/BFC or WinXP problem.

You complained about paying your money and just downloading things and not actually playing the game .... well correct me if im wrong (and god knows somebody will ;) ) but you paid for a game that works ... adding mods is not what you paid for ... in adding mods, YOU are making a concious decision to change the in-game detail issued by BFC. They can hardly be held to account if you cant do it correctly !

Also I didnt call you 'stupid' ..... 'stupidity' and 'lack of knowledge' are two totally different things. A lack of knowledge can be overcome ... stupidity cant ! If you read my post you will also notice that I offered to help (and still do) if you emailed me.

Oh and as for the last bit .... I'd say it even if you were here ..... yeah you and yer big brother... and his mates... and yer dog :D

(thats a joke ... OK - y'know humour!)

well at least you sound like you have chilled out a little ..........


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