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Monitor Death

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I've been having some problems with my CM graphics recently. I have a Celeron 400 with 384MB RAM and Leadtek GeForce with Detonator 6.31, running Win2K professional w Service Pack 1.

Symptoms: When I start CM and get into the loadup screen, everything is fine. Once I've loaded the map, though, what should be a white colour turns transparent (i.e. the American flag becomes a pattern of red and black) It also means that I can't see anything on the results screen, or on the kills/info screen.

I tried switching hardware acceleration for cursors off, but ended up with all text being whited over.

I'd give you screenshots, but for the next symptom: when I deleted the prefs file and restarted CM, my monitor died. I heard something in the back go pop and since then I haven't been able to switch it on without it promptly switching itself back off.

This isn't too bad because I'm going to get a new 20" to replace it, but I'd like to know if there's anything I can do to avoid the same symptoms once my 20" comes.

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Your monitor dying was just a chance coincidence. There's nothing that you could have done within CM (to my knowledge) that would have caused the monitor to die (you most likely have a high voltage short in the monitor from the description of your symptoms).

As for the transparent "whites", this is a known problem. One possible way to address this issue is to select "Force anti-aliasing in all applications" in the DirectX settings for the GeForce. Another method may be to use a newer driver (I'd suggest installing DirectX 8.0 also), though I can't recall how many people this may have worked for (it didn't for some). I think some of the Betas for Win2K are up in the 11.x range.

Reactorcritical (go to TNT/TNT2/GeForce section and make sure you download a Windows 2000 driver - the latest ones aren't necessarily at the top and you may want to try out several different versions):


[ 04-10-2001: Message edited by: Schrullenhaft ]

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Schullenraft -- beg to differ. I think it's probably due to my monitor being elderly and somewhat overstressed. One of the first tests that CM does is to check for 1024x768@85 and that along with chance was probably just too much for the poor bastard. No blame to BF or CM at all.

Edit --

whoops, forgot to thank you guys for the help! Much appreciated, and as soon as I get my new monitor I'll let you know how it went.

[ 04-11-2001: Message edited by: Triumvir ]

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When CM attempts to detect usuable resolutions for the game it starts out with the resolution that you're currently running at and goes down from there. On the refresh rates I'm not sure what it does. It is possible that CM starts out with the highest refresh rate that the driver/monitor profile offers. If that is the case, then there are certain times where someone will be running a lower refresh rate than what CM attempts on it's first resolution display.

Depending on your monitor profile (many people may default with the "Default Monitor" and not change it to a more appropriate profile) there may be resolutions/refresh rates listed by the video card driver that the monitor is incapable of displaying. In that case people need to select an appropriate monitor profile and tell Windows to "hide" modes that the monitor is incapable of displaying. This can be done from Start Menu > Settings > Control Panel > Display control panel > Settings tab > Advanced button > Monitor tab > with the correct/appropriate monitor profile selected, check the "Hide modes that this monitor cannot display" checkbox.

As you stated - CM may have tried a refresh rate that was too high for your monitor to cope with. Due to its age (or design) it was incapable of properly handling an out of bounds frequency and either had some oscillator-related circuitry die or the Horizontal driver circuit died. This usually isn't a problem with newer monitors and the above advice isn't completely necessary for them.

[ 04-11-2001: Message edited by: Schrullenhaft ]

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As for the unreadable text bug:

What am I supposed to do with my original 16MB TNT card? The drivers don't have an anti-aliasing feature because this card can't do it.

What do BTS say on the matter? "Turn on force AA in all applications"

Me: "I can't do that I've only got a TNT"

BTS: "Well it must be a driver bug, or somefink."

Me: "This doesn't happen in any of the many other DirectX games I have, so why does it happen in CM, and waht steps are you taking to make sure it isn't repeated in CM2"

BTS: ""

It's a ridiculous situation which means that I don't play battles because I can't read the text, and that I have to close CM and reopen it everytime I start a new game.

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Hmm... I have my new monitor now (20 inch ex-Sun!) and and happily back in CM. BUT!! When I force FSAA, CM won't load the 3D graphics! I get an unhandled exception error then a segfault. If I turn of FSAA, then I get the flicker, but at least I can read text...

and after two or three battles, I get another unhandled exception.

Any ideas? Do you want me to give you the error codes, given that they aren't the same each time (though the situation is very reproducible?)

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Sorry about that... I got mixed up the info between your posts and Skorpion's.

I'm going to have to check this out myself. I keep on delaying setting up an NVidia card in a Win2K machine to check out the issues with the drivers. With the intermittent errors you're getting I'm not sure where to lay the blame, other than that the drivers are the most likely culprit.

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