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Yet more nOOb questions

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G'day guys, i've been playing the demos non-stop for a month now and have ordered my bundle version of the games (damn 4 weeks delivery curse Australia's geography!) My question is, Should i tell my wife to pack her bags now? or should i sneak the games behind her back and continue the current forbidden trist? Exactly how addictive are these games?? more than the demo? If so my marriage is in serious trouble!


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Brodieman, your wife is probably about to become a Combat Mission widow. Get yourself ready for the tiredness and sore eyes that follows from late nights playing PBEM with an opponent in another time zone on the other side of the world. I don't play any other game except CM. When you get sick of playing yanks, russians or germans, look for the mods that will let you play as Aussies in North Africa or the Pacific:

Combat Mission World

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If you're addicted to the demo then you are in a good deal of trouble. smile.gif

Both the CMBO and CMBB demos pale compared to the full versions of the games (in my opinion).

Full lists of scenarios, quick battles, mulitplayer support, and scenario design are just a few things you'll be able to do with the full versions.

Start figuring out now how you can schedule CM time in to your daily routine and start boxing up any hobby supplies you may have...Your addition has not yet truly begun.

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Thanks for the tips guys *starts downloading Aussie troop mods* i can't wait to get these games *starts packing away all sporting equipment and dress clothes - won't be needing those for much longer* Time to start been overly doting on my wife, hopefully she won't become too suspicious to my nefarious CMBO trysts. So is PBEM any good? Does it take long to finish a session? What is TCP/IP play like?

Sorry guys too many questions, i feel like a little boy on Christmas Eve, infact i think i can hear Santa's sleigh on the roof now... Time to turn my mailbox into a pillbox and wait for the postie to arrive with the goods!

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Originally posted by Brodieman:

G'day guys, i've been playing the demos non-stop for a month now and have ordered my bundle version of the games (damn 4 weeks delivery curse Australia's geography!) My question is, Should i tell my wife to pack her bags now? or should i sneak the games behind her back and continue the current forbidden trist? Exactly how addictive are these games?? more than the demo? If so my marriage is in serious trouble!


Have you tried having her play the demo? Could solve all your problems... smile.gif
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Originally posted by Brodieman:

[QB]So is PBEM any good? Does it take long to finish a session? What is TCP/IP play like?


I play PBEM games almost constantly. I find the speed of PBEM perfect for me. Others feel it's too slow. PBEM enables you to spend a few minutes every night or so playing CM. It's easy to juggle several PBEM games at the same time so on any given night I ususally have two or three turns waiting for me. I think the PBEM system works great.

TCP/IP requires that you have a large block of time to sit down and play out the game. The pace of the game, obviously, flows more smoothly and the games don't take a month or so to complete but everyone has different schedules.

I know some folks who do both.

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Brodieman, I played against the AI until I was competent enough to play human opponents. Its just a matter of taking time to know the engine. As far as PBEM is concerned, I agree with the Green Hornet - its flexible, you can have a few games going at once and it doesn't take up a great big chunk of time.

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Sounds like PBEM may be a great way to sustain a game or two while work is busy - sounds great! @ Mikeydz i certainly will let her play the demo and see what happens, hopefully she'll like it or if not at least accept that i may be around a little less.

So when i get the game(s)i'll have a crack at the AI then play a few PBEM games - so for the next 12 months i guess i'm going to be handed a great many defeats at the hands of you guys!

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