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Does anyone like to use British tanks?

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This forum is getting flooded by people who think that they win their game in the unit selection phase.

Hello, anybody home? Anybody studying hit probablities? Anybody ever heard the term "weak spot penetration"? Anybody knows that Shermans come in variants? Anybody knows that the Tiger 1 is a 1942 vintage design and rather out of place in the summer of 1944?

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Originally posted by IronChef4:

it seems odd that your stuart was able to knock out a tiger FROM THE FRONT!!!

I was playing my brother a while back, myself as the Allies and he as the Axis. I had Stuarts, Fireflys and some vanilla shermans (I think). In any case, I had three stuarts on a slight rise -- hidden from everything but the infantry they were firing at -- when up pops a Tiger I ready to wallop them.

But HA HA! Luck (or something) was with me. My stuarts started a frantic reverse and one popped off a round, frontal Tiger KO at weak point. That was one happy crew, I'll tell ya.

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Originally posted by aka_tom_w:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Silvio Manuel:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by redwolf:

I agree with that. I once had a Hellcat face off against a Tiger I at about 250m (both regulars IIRC). They spotted each other right away, so I didn't get any free shots in. The Hellcat pinged about 8 shots off the hull and turret to no avail, before getting the killing shot. Even more amazing was that the Tiger MISSED every shot during that span!</font>
So let me get this straight, a Tiger with a REG crew at 250 m missed HOW Many shots (?) while a Hellcat Bravely pumped off 8 (!) rounds at 250 m???

Was the Hellcat shooting while moving FAST? That might "sort of" explain it.

-tom w</font>

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Ouch. . .I hardy assume that the battle is won in the unit selection phase. . .I just think that its pretty lucky for a 37 mm round to pierce all that armor.

I myself have been known to use Volksturm militia quite effectively myself. . .so i know the value of underappreciated units.

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redwolf, you appear to be a rather bitter man.

People get different things from a game and force selection can make a big difference. Personally I like finding out what would have happened if a force had been organised differently.

As to the Tiger 1 being a 1942 design, well so is the Sherman. What do the varients have to do with it anyway?

Not trying to be nasty, just curious as to what brought this rant on.

This forum is getting flooded by people who think that they win their game in the unit selection phase.

Hello, anybody home? Anybody studying hit probablities? Anybody ever heard the term "weak spot penetration"? Anybody knows that Shermans come in variants? Anybody knows that the Tiger 1 is a 1942 vintage design and rather out of place in the summer of 1944?

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