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Fire and Maneuver (Spoilers) Excellent Replay/ I Still Suck

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Just thought Id let you all know how I was faring, since you are doubtless on the edges of your seats, waiting for my update. (ha ha)

Played Fire and Maneuver for the second time as the Germans and did worse. The first time through, I lost 19 vehicles, captured 3 of 4 vls and managed an Axis Minor victory.

The second time I lost 22 vehicles, only had 3 tanks left at the end of the game and got 3 of 4 vls and it was an Allied minor victory.

Consider this: I'm not an INCREDIBLY stupid person. After the first run through, I knew basically where the enemy TD and guns were, where the first ambush was set up and that the air support was on track for the allies.

I spent a fair amount of time studying the terrain and looking for places to hide, and I knew where to call in artillery. But apparently I didn't do it as well as I could have.

Anyway, i was very impressed by the AI, and the care that obviously went into creating the the maps and forces. And also fairly amazed at the long range kills/armor penetration scored by Axis and allied gunners. Very few hits didn't penetrate.

As the Germans you really have to hide, use cover, artillery and smoke cause if that at gun sees you, chances are you are toast. A german ht can be killed by a .50 cal at 500 meters.

OTOH, if you are the US Army, get those tanks fast, cause they can suppress and destroy you at well over 1000 meters away.

Very instructive. I must go play it again, now.



It is not enough that I should succeed. My friends must also fail.

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let me know how you do. Im sure I can think of some amusing remarks, one way or another... smile.gif

This scenario got some discussion earlier on, but this has since died away.

It provides excellent instruction on how to and how not to assault a well defended objective with a mechanized force.

(If only I had used the techniques of maneuver warfare instead of having the crews push the tanks along and climb back in to fire!!! heh heh heh.)

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Anyway, i was very impressed by the AI, and the care that obviously went into creating the the maps and forces.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Why thank you Terence...

I created this scenario thinking that I had yet to see a battle that was dominated by long range firepower... of course this was very early in BETA testing stage...

Glad you are enjoying it,



[This message has been edited by Bil Hardenberger (edited 11-09-2000).]

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The first time I played that scenario I did loose because I had lost too much men, but

killed nearly all US-soldiers and had control over all flags.

The second, third and fourth *sniff* time

I did not even got control over the flags *grrr*

Seems to be one of the hardest scenario, right?

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Hi I played this scenario as one of my first.

Just sort of held on the left side in the trees in front of the stone wall short of the wheat field. Exposed and took care of the first ambush with 1/2 tracks and dismounted troops protected behind the stone wall. Then after the first reinforcement hunted all my tanks forward in a tight front onto a little knowl on the right side. Wiped out all guns in one turn. Also wiped whatever reinforcements appeared with this formation. Then just sent almost all armour and reinforcements zigzaging around the place on fast churning up infantry who were running from foxholes, doubling back, falling down, getting up, running beside enemy 1/2 track for sixty seconds. Pure mayhem. This was my first victory. Didn't repeat it to see if it was a fluke. Used all defaults.

Fun game. Has anybody thought about the Italian front. All the same people there, Lot's of rugged topography, narrow approaches, defensive AI should do well.

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Half Track Question

One question that playing this scenario raises for me is this:

When should the troops dismount from their HTs?

They all arrive on the board in half tracks, and if you let them get ambushed in the HTs, a lot of them die.

A bazooka that hits an HT can easily knock out half to most of a squad.

So clearly, they should get out before they get ambushed.

But dismounting them as soon as they arrive on the board means that you don't wring much advantage from the high speed mobility of the half tracks.

How do you guys balance this?

OTOH, if you move HTs full of infantry around fast and they die in an ambush or get hit and killed by the damn AT guns, that's no good.

And since CMBO models --for the most part-- the moments immediately before and during a battle, would the troops have already dismounted, for the most part?

Any light you can shed on this would be useful....

All the best,



Its is not enought that I should succeed. My friends must also fail.

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