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Everything posted by Bonito

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Forever Babra: Sounds like a classic case of SHS (Stuff Happens Syndrome). <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ok .. maybe I crush those hotels from behind through the buildings and paris would get a new facelifting <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>You didn't mention what range or angle you were engaging the Panther from. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ok .. I was to shocked by the disaster, I tried variuos distances and angles <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Also, some of the angrier grogs will fly off the handle and stick pins in dolls of you for posting scenario "spoilers" without a warning... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I know that questions like mine are often flamed here ... but wtf give it a try
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by chasd: Are you saying that your Shermans could not get a penertration on the frontal armor of the Panther? GOTTA BE A BUG! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I did attack him from all side, about 150m-300m away I do not think its a bug, maybe a bad seed for the random-generator in this case <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Try waiting for the reinforcements and shoot at their behinds and/or shoot at the Panthers from the side at close range with bazookas (dont expect a frontal penertration). <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well I am not that stupid
  3. Hello, I just played 'walk in paris' and got most (about 10!) of my tanks destroyed by the panther in the center of the park. Well, but each time my men hit him (tanks and/or bazooka) it does ALWAYS give me a 'no serious damage' or '..ricochet..' Is it realistic? One Panther (veteran) against many allied tanks (even some veterans) and ALL allied one get crushed, but the Panther survived the slugfest? I did never get this with 1.05 .. maybe I miss something?
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Quenaelin: What the heck are you talking about, to my knowledge mp3 format is allways worse compared to wav format. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well not always, because you may use less bits or a worse sampling rate to make the wavs not too big. You are right if you use the same wav to create mp3, but if you use cd-quality wavs as source it may be much better to use mp3 than reducesed wavs.
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Airborne: I have seen something similar only when the vehicles jam up at the bridge. Make sure you use adequate spacing (use the pause command) between vehicles. Otherwise, tanks and vehicles seem to negotiate bridges fine. If driven close to a bridge edge at the ends, they do tend to "fall" off of the bridge. Hope this helps.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well I have seen exact this behaviour ... should this not be considered as a bug? If only because its unrealistic for a tank to fall off a bridge etc.?
  6. Hello, there seem to be a minor 'bug' in CM Tanks have often problems to cross a bridge, e.g. sometimes they get confused without being shot at and do some silly thinks. (reverse some meters, going formward etc., or miss the begin of the bridge and drive down the hill etc.) Its within CM1.05 and was seen in the mission 'Nijmegen'
  7. Well it takes longer under some circumstances .. thats ok But if the spoter say 1min. and it takes some rounds, that is not ok! maybe a bug? (1 minute is one minute ... even if I do not see my enemy, right?)
  8. The first time I played that scenario I did loose because I had lost too much men, but killed nearly all US-soldiers and had control over all flags. The second, third and fourth *sniff* time I did not even got control over the flags *grrr* Seems to be one of the hardest scenario, right?
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jadayne: Well, today's my birthday<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Congratulations -- I give you a six-pack of our famous Becks-beer
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Disaster@work: If you gain all the flags and still lose the only other reason is because you took too many casualties in doing so. What did your "After Action Report" look like? This is the list of casualties on both sides. It tallies it all up and shows you what caused you to lose points. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The US lost much more Ok yes my morale was bad and I may have lost many men
  11. Hello I am stuck within a training (!) mission *snif* Its the mission where the germans attack 'strong' US defense with tanks and some infantry (the 45 round mission). The briefing says I have to 'break the defense' get all targets visible on the map (flags right?) and exploit (?). I did break the defense , got all flags, but loose ? Why? thnx
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