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Area fire seems broken a.k.a. bugged

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I just realised this last nite while playing a scenario filled with lots of infantry assaults.

It seems that area fire no longer stop when friendly unit enter its proximity, the manual states otherwise. It does this in CMBO, a bug maybe.

I tested it just now, 2 MG area fire at a spot and an HQ unit run toward the spot. The MG just keep firing and at the end of the turn they are still targeting the patch of land so if you are not careful they will expend their ammo without you realising.

Also I realised that area fire (non shell nor artillery) does not affect friendly at all, not even changing the status to cautious or alert. This work great cause it gives no worry of friendly fire while assaulting. The target meanwhile can do absolutely nothing as they will be supressed and have to do close combat at the same time. I dont know if this is intended or a bug

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I've had the exact opposite experience. Playing a scenario last night, my MGs would quickly drop their area target when units moved near their target.

My only thought that might explain the behavior is poor visibility. As in, perhaps the MG(s) couldn't see the unit rushing towards their area target.

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Not really, I did the test at the beginning of the scenario so the enemy is on the other side of the map and I set the area fire target on a road about 100m from the 2 MGs with clear LOS and have friendly unit march there. They won't stop firing even though the friendlies are on top of the area target mark.

There's also the problem of area fire not affecting friendly unit at all. Perhaps the game does not model friendly fire using small arms.

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First screenshot show the order before I press the start button

Second screenshot show the friendly unit reaching the area target spot at approx 34 sec

Third screenshot showing clearly the tracer fire from friendly unit still firing. This shot is taken near the end of the turn

Fourth screenshot is beginning of turn 2 clearly showing all unit still having area fire target even though friendly unit is in close proximity to their targeted spot.

Please disregard the prone friendly unit, it got hit by its own minefield while running toward the objective

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AFAIK, this is how things work:

The only time a unit will stop firing when a friendly unit comes near is when it is using HE, but even then it'll still hold the area target lock. And it'll continue with MG area fire 'til it runs out of ammo.

Units shouldn't lose an area target lock unless the area in question becomes blocked (by smoke), the firer gets supressed, or the firer finds a juicier target (even if only for a brief half second).

And the only time you'll take friendly casualties (or get supressed) from your own troops is at night. Something I hope changes for the engine re-write.

- Chris

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