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Wrong Hill

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I am currently playing Wrong Hill and I have to say it is a blast. Action going on all around the hill and my much needed reinforments just arrived and has helped out a bunch. The LOS is crazy, on and around the hill. Never played a battle like this and I have to say I am really enjoying it.

For the others that have played this battle, what are your thoughts on it?


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I will review it when I am done with it, count on it. Will try to write an AAR, will have to see how that comes out. Spent 4 turns last night showing two friends this game and it goes without saying they are placing orders for the game today.

I played CM around a year and something ago but stopped when my son was born. Now that things have settled down I fired up CM again and found out what I have been missing. The mods and scenarios are just wonderful.

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This is one of my favorite scenarios and one of WBW's best. In fact I wrote the first review of it at the Scenario Depot, and my high score seems to have attracted other players who also liked it, since it's now a Top Ten scenario with many glowing reviews. (This is a good reason to review your favorite scenarios.) It is one of the wildest and wooliest armored battles there is.

I've played it twice now vs. the AI but never PBEM. This is definitely a scenario that should either be played double blind or with two players who've played it previously. Does anyone who's already played it once want to give it a go as a PBEM? I'll take either side. (My email is in my profile.)

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Thank you, Gentlemen. Loving the wild side of war (makes sense, doesn't it), this is still one of my personal favorites. I know, of course, what to expect from either side and still find replay most challenging.

After reading the history of this battle and seeing the ideal situation in it for the "big Cats" and a ton of other fun things in wargaming, I just had to try to recreate its feel.

For me, that is most important. I want to get the feel of the local commander, his frustration, fear and anxieties as he goes head to head with the enemy. I think you do get just that feeling no matter which side you take.

I hope both Underdog and WBS enjoy themselves as they fight for their lives.

Wild Bill

[ March 14, 2002, 09:56 AM: Message edited by: Wild Bill Wilder ]

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Turn 15 was a wild one and a little disappointing. If you can believe it I had my Chruchill flank the ever pressing German armor. The Shermans did what they usually do when they are hit with an AP round, brew up. As the Churchhill starts it crawl (started it back on turn 10) he makes contact with a panther. Lobbed a shell and knocked out the panther. Second panther it found it knocked it out in one shot at around 70M. So now on turn 15 my mighty Churchill crawls up this little elevation and when it get to the top a panther is sitting in front of him at around 25M with its back to the Churchill. I am laughing in my seat watching this, the speedster Churchill has got a close shot to a tank that is facing the wrong way. Again the Churchill lobs its massive round up..and MISSES! I don't freak out, only 15 seconds into the playback I should get another shot before the end of the playback. The panther turret starts it spin to fire at the Churchill. I am starting to get nervous since the Churchill hasn't fired again. The panther gets targeting on the Churchill and fires. Arrgghhh...Gun Damage on the Churchill and the playback ends.

I check each front on what is going on. I held off all the assaults on the hill from the enemy inf. All the fronts look good but the one where I lost the big gun on the Churchill. I count 4 tanks all moving up that front. I have a firefly keyholed through a set of woods half way up the hill. Due to the LOS being so bad I set him up there to get that one shot when the tanks start rolling through. It isn't a real sweet spot since there is lanes on both side so I have to keep eye on what route they take up. If they come up both lanes it will be ugly but I should get one or maybe two. I also have a sherman left there but he is going to have 3 tanks in his face very soon. Don't want to move him up the hill for fear of getting a flank shot on him. I might use him and try to flank the enemy tanks like the Churchill did. Will have to decide it this turn since his window to move through the open area will be this turn, after that the enemy tanks are to far forward and will have LOS to the area he needs to run through. My inf in this area are broken and some have recovered. The Platoon HQ got killed and I don't think I could have prevented. If I backed the men out it would have been a turkey shoot with the tanks firing on them and the enemy inf. I had them hold there ground and from what I can see they gave better then they got. Enemy inf on that side is not a threat, really did a number on them as they exited the scattered trees. It was the tanks that really hurt my inf. Silenced those tanks but the damage was done.

Oh yeah had a PIAT team have a lock on a Puma for 30+ seconds at 35M and never fired. Puma backed off and brought down "great vengence" on the two man team then melted into the wooded terrain.

This turn will be a tactical move turn for me with a holding action. I don't have the units to toss away on recon to find out everything out there. Holding action until I can free up a side to assist.


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Well I finished the battle and it was a blast! Playing the allies I came away with a tactical victory. I held both flags and had 5 tanks left. I basically dug in and played the waiting game for the enemy armor to come up the hill after turn 15. Had a key holed Firefly that took 2 lead tanks out and then came over the hill with the other 3 tanks for the turkey shoot on the last two.

I found a "gamey?" move that really messes up the AI. I found out by accident but wanted to mention it but I think everyone who plays know this one way or another. I had a kangroo fast move over a little hill and right past this enemy assault gun. The AG tracked the 'roo as it went on its scouting mission behind enemy lines. As the AG tracked the 'roo it ended the turn facing opposite the hill. Had a Firefly come up over the hill hull down and plant one up the AG's arse. It was a cheap move and I didn't need to do it but found out the AI targets things that cannot hurt it. Just had me scratching my head on why it did it.

All in all this battle was a real treat and great fun to play. I recommend it for anyone that wants some armor fun on a challenging map. Great job Wild Bill!!!

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