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Sneak Effectiveness ??

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I was wondering if anyone knows how effective the Sneak command is at moving units without being seen.

For instance, to get from point A to point B without being seen one would usually spend a lot of time at ground level searching for the best route offering most cover, then plot it over several way points.

Would the unit follow a similar, well covered route by just issuing a "Sneak" command from point A to point B.

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redwolf is correct re: open ground.

This kind of veers off more towards Ambush than stealthy movement, but FWIW:

A "sneaking" Platoon that is decent quality (esp. when commanded by a stealth bonus HQ) can pretty much get anywhere unseen, provided the enemy isn't really close (20-50m???). That's true mainly for woods/tall pines, but not so bad in rough/scat.trees, etc. or in less-than-perfect visibility conditions. Also, so minor a thing as having any sneaking unit stray too far and go out of command range (thus losing the HQ's stealth bonus) can scuttle your plan.

While stationary, for CMBO I find using an ambush target almost behind a platoon to be great for holding fire up until you pickpocket the enemy troops. For your forward recon screen, use Infantry AT teams to set ambush points for LMG/MMG's that support them. Squads/teams need to be in command to do this, IIRC (MGs don't). In CMBB, use cover arcs, minimum size. I hate missing good targets of opportunity by hiding too much, though- esp. in CMBB w/ its better MGs.

Since Stealth bonuses also impart the ability to hold fire, you can really pull off some nasty ambushes by showing up when the enemy doesn't expect it (i.e. they may be moving or running, esp. in open ground) and take out 1-2 platoons or destroy support weapons that are too slow to escape.

[ December 19, 2002, 12:18 AM: Message edited by: Silvio Manuel ]

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I ran a very detailed hotseat test with all terrain types a few weeks ago, all HQ stealth bonus types, and as many units as I could think to experiment with (even vehicles in scattered trees and how close they could get to the front of a patch before being spotted). I made a detailed chart, but unfortunately I don't have it with me since I'm home for the holidays. I'll post my results as soon as I return (although I haven't posted it thus far because I haven't wanted me opponents to have the info). I also recorded the sneaking speed within the various terrain types.

As regards infantry sneaking with NO HQ stealth bonus, I recall they can sneak, absolutely unseen, in anything except rough, open ground, steppe, and cemetary (cemetary is excellent for sneaking, but stay at least 10 meters "in" or you will be seen).

Brush and woods are the slowest when sneaking. This is very useful info when you are coordinating an attack!

Steppe is horrible for sneaking. Sharpshooters are the only guys that can do it well.

All for now, I'll post the rest upon my return to New York City!! Cheers, j

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