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Newbies Post Your Tourney AARs Here!!

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Splash, please read this closely because I'm sure our scenarios in the next round will be just exactly like Blind Man's Bluff. :D

My AAR for Blind Man's Bluff. As my briefing stated my first priority was to get my men back to German lines, I decided not to go looking for my opponent. I also figured 20 turns left plenty of time to sneak all the way out of danger. My plan was to reunite my split squads, keep my men in the woods as much as possible, and form everyone up in the center to present a compact, powerful front to the Allied player. I hid my sharpshooters to await the arrival of my troops.

Naturally, the plan didn't anticipate the Allied response. After 1 or 2 turns, my sharpshooters were startled to hear a stampede of men running all around them. Both sharpshooters got off a single shot at "infantry".

I suspected Dan was rushing forward to set up an ambush. I hid my leading squads while the HQ and other squads kept sneaking forward, closing up. My center platoon and company HQ were engulfed in Polish voices, and there were Polish icons all around, but we never had a target and never took any fire. The right hand platoon had the same experience. The Polish voices in the fog disappeared behind them.

The left hand platoon was almost together when one of its squads cut loose firing at less than 10 meters. A Polish "infantry" figure was eliminated, and the same squad fired on a second "infantry" unit, which ran. I sneaked after it briefly, but it had disappeared.

We went ahead and sneaked through the woods across the map and got everyone safely off the edge. I took 3 or 4 casualties (1 KIA if I remember correctly), and basically carried away all the ammunition I started with. My troops had survived a tight spot to fight again in better conditions.

Until the end of the game I had no idea what damage I had caused. I never positively identified a single Polish unit, even the one we eliminated. I've asked Dan to post his AAR too, so I can see how the battle looked from his point of view. I've got to admit, when my center platoon was completely surrounded by Polish icons, I had a really bad feeling. :( Thankfully Dan's troops seemed to be determined to get back to their own lines, too.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by YankeeDog:

Thanks. I need something to read while I'm hanging around the airport waiting to be strip-searched. Apparently, I'm a suspicious looking character - last flight I took, my luggage was hand searched, and I was searched 3 times. I'm going to go the the airport naked next time. . .<hr></blockquote>

Just read John Gregory Dunne's review in the NYRB of the E.B. Sledge book With the Old Breed also George Feifer The Battle of Okinawa both sound amazing.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Splash:

Just read John Gregory Dunne's review in the NYRB of the E.B. Sledge book With the Old Breed also George Feifer The Battle of Okinawa both sound amazing.<hr></blockquote>

Thanks for the suggestions. Of course, I'm probably going to look even more suspicious lugging a bunch of war books around the airport. . .

Also thanks for giving my something to say while I bump this thread!

So long until I get back from Detroit (conveniently , just in time for the next round :D ).

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by SuperTed:

Stay tuned for the surprise announcement I mentioned a few weeks back. Let's just say it has something to do with prizes. :D <hr></blockquote>

Hey! Ted bought and is gonna' give away that TD on ebay to the supernewbie winner! Now I can take out all of that pent up road rage!!! :D

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As Dave H said in the Newbie Tournaments thread, we must post our AAR's for public knowledge. But I feel soooo lazy sometimes ...

Ok. Here is my "Blind's Man Bluff" AAR. To see the Commander (my opponent) version, go to page #1.

In the 2-3 first turns I try to order my platoons in a "wedge" formation, rejoining the split squads to get more firepower in every unit. One platoon was formed on each side, near the edge, walking amongst the trees. Another platoon was formed aside and a little bit forward, to assist in case of a firefight. The 2 sharpshooters stay ahead, separated, sneaking and hiding, trying to see any Polish unit while remain undetected.

Maintaining this formation, my platoons go forward, sneaking across the trees.

At turn 8-10 (I don't remember exactly) my left flank suddenly crash with a Polish force. An intense exchange of shots starts and my men suffered some casualties (Commander's men suffered casualties too. I hear the shouts ...). While the firefight continues, I order 2 squads of the other platoon that run to catch the Commander's men from the back. The Polish, caught in a crossfire withdraw. Some of his squads try to escape running across open ground towards his lines, but 2 SMG squads take care of them. A minute later 3-4 dead Polish bodies lay in the field. Meanwhile, the other squads finished with the stiff resistance of a fierce Polish squad that figth to the last man. When the silence returns, my men (with aprox. 15 casualties) continue walking quietly.

2-3 turns later, my rigth flank heard a sound. Then, the external platoon gets a "hiding" position until they discovered a Polish force moving slowly in open ground. A turn later, with 3-4 units in sight, the entire platoon open SMG fire. The Polish, caught in open ground, take a lot of casualties, with 2-3 squads completely dead. Another 2 squads (obviously in panic) runs towards the trees full of Germans. The few of them who reached the tress were soon dead. A few Polish squads were able to return fire, causing 4 german casualties, before they runs to safety. After the fight, my left flank continued walking, with 2 squads in the rear, to prevent a Polish counterattack.

But nothing more occurs. All my remaining units (the 2 sharpshooters, 2 entire platoons, 1 with a few casualties and 1 mauled) reaches their objective. Finally, the result was 71-29 for me, if I remember well ...

Commander plays the game with a clever strategie, but he had bad luck. My units spotted his Poles sooner and this (in my opinion) changed the balance to my side.

Well, I found in Commander a great PBEM player (our 3 following games ended in a draw) and a friend.

Hey, Commander! Watch your e-mail! My response to your last message are there ...

And thanks Superted for this incredible tournament.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by StuG:

Well, David's done his AAR, so I feel I should do mine. Here goes.

At first, I had no idea what troops I had, covered as they were by masses of trees. In the light of this, I decided to just give the standard order to push forward and see what I could find.

Unfortunately, though, David was well organised. He had set up his sharpshooters in strategic positions, where as I had just told everyone to push forward. I lost one of my squads, after David's organised group swept through. I never found out exactly who killed the boys, but I could very roughly guess from the sightings of possibly German infantry units nearby. After that, I decided to make straight for the edge of the map, because I had left sorting my men out till too late. David on the other hand took his time, making sure his most vulnerable troops got to his escape line first, his troops covering the rear.

I, on the other hand, waspushing forward too fast for my men. They quickly tired, and I tried desperately to just give them that extra nudge in the right direction. This caused them to tire even more, so almost all of my men staggered off the map. Once this was done, it ws a matter of making sure everyone still alive was off the map, then I sat back and waited.


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Mid game sitrep for Blood and Steel..

White4 vs Leta


Dearest Fraulien. I write to you among the vast rolling hills and scattered trees of ***DELETED*** The day has gone on for an eternity and we have not seen any sign of the enemies of the Fatherland. The 5th Vast Fleet of Recon Vehicles pleads for more gas, as they are almost dry. The 24th Even More Vast Fleet of Recon Vehicles has paused due to exhaustion. The dust billows up from the fields as we strain through our binoculars. We hope the main body is not too far behind as we venture deeper into this desolate country..

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by White4:

Woo-Hoo! Contact made on the same turn (9) I get reinforcements! Which is great, since I need to replace those guys who made contact....

:D <hr></blockquote>

I need some replacements too!. When my Jeep drivers saw that nasty German halftracks firing at them, they ran like hares!

Fortunately, I have reserves ...


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