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Help!! Video card problem!

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I just recently installed a hercules prophet 4500 (64 megs) video card and CM is all screwed up!All the letters on CM battlefield are fuzzy. The other letters in the turn box are not readable, the help menue (hotkeys) are all unreadable. I have re-installed CM from the cd with no effect. I have a dell 500 megtz and 128 ram.Any suggestion will be greatly appreciated.

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Your video card is based on the Kyro II chipset and some users have already reported problems with it in CM. However there are some solutions (the best one will be when the driver is updated beyond the latest version). Most of these solutions involve editing your registry, which can be dangerous.

Go to these threads and read through them thoroughly.



You may want to try the latest driver if you aren't already, but they won't likely fix the problem for you:

Hercules Prophet 4500 (7.114):


These drivers are generic for the Kyro series and they're a bit older (7.111), but if you want to experiment....:


[ 07-23-2001: Message edited by: Schrullenhaft ]

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Deleting the "prefs" file (specifically the C:\PROGRAM FILES\CMBO\Combat Mission Bynd Ovr Prefs file) will not fix the problem with the text since it is primarily a driver issue. When you delete the preferences file you will need to reselect the resolution over again when you startup CM. For some issues with some video cards sometimes selecting a different resolution may help with some problems (or getting rid of whatever else is stored in the prefs file).

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Thank you for this, I shall try it as my resolution is very small 680x680 or some such. I've noticed serveral folks refering to setting the resolution in CM. Where and how is this done? I know how to use display/properties/advance (whatever comes next) to set resolution,but when CM starts is just starts in the extreme close up mode. Does CM have resolution controls?

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If CM doesn't find a preferences file it will immediately run the resolution selection screens when you launch it. The initial (and highest resolution) will be your current desktop resolution (though the refresh rate may be higher than what you're currently running). You can click on Accept or Skip; with Accept selecting the current resolution and launching you into CM or Skip progressing you to the next lower resolution (or refresh rate at that same resolution). If you don't click on either 'button' CM will automatically proceed as if you had clicked Skip with 5 seconds or so. CM will go through all the possible resolutions and refresh rates once and then give a DirectX error (on the PC) once you've exhausted all the possibilities. If you run into this, then you can just re-launch CM and start the process over again. If you want a higher resolution than what is initially offered, then increase your current desktop resolution to provide a higher starting point.

If you desire to change resolutions, just delete the aforementioned prefs file and you'll proceed through the resolution selection process the next time you launch CM.

Sometimes if you're only offered a resolution of 640 x 480 during the resolution selection process it might indicate that CM hasn't detected the 3D capabilities of your video card. This can be due to either DirectX or your video driver (the latter being the most likely) having problems.

[ 08-20-2001: Message edited by: Schrullenhaft ]

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there's deffo a prob with these kyro chipsets and CM. I'm going to petotion Kyro to ensure they're aware of the issue.

shame. as for all other applications (QIII, UT, Opflash) its really given my machine a boost.

To anybody else considering a graphics card update: don't let this put you off the Kyro/Hercules cards, they are very good.

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denisetrac, i've also sent them an email and yep, its hard to explain what's going on ("it looks all wierd,man." probably does nobody any favours).

How about this: everybody who reads this, wether you're thinking of getting a Kyro or not, write into Hercules "www.hercules.com" and complain about this. We're a notoriously tight community, right? So how about the rest of you pitching in behind your more graphically challenged brethren?

They've got the drivers, but we've got the numbers!

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