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Organization of military units

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Can someone tell me a good source for info about the organization of units during WWII? For example, what made up an armored division, company, etc. What kind of units and how many of each? I've been making scenarios for myself and put in whatever I thought would be interesting. That makes for a fun battle but I was hoping to create something more historically accurate.

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Try here: http://www.britwar.co.uk/site_map.php?menu=5&PHPSESSID=75c452061746d2d0a68d007a280ee1c8

Click on American lists, or British lists for CMBO, German lists for CMBO or CMBB, and Russian lists for CMBB. It has a lot of good info on what makes up platoons, companies, battalions, regiments and divisions.

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This is an excellent resource on the organisation, numbers, and equipments of a US infantry division in Europe in 1944/45. It goes from division level right down to section level, and includes all the service and support elements as well.



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I realize that the CM games kind of organize these elements for you when you go to the unit selection screen but I wanted to see how it all broke down in other areas, especially how armored units were organized. The sites you listed were a big help, thanks.

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