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The "Tree Burst" model in CMBB. . .

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I have a couple of rather detailed questions for anyone who knows how a tree burst is modeled in CMBB.

1. Is there a seperate model for damage done by tree bursts from artillery?

2. If so, does the model take into consideration the extra lethal shrapnel from flying would in addition to the shell itself?

Aren't tree bursts supposed to be extra deadly to troops nearby?

I was watching a turn last night where I was blasting a group of trees with 60mm mortar rounds and I got real close to where they were landing to watch the action. I noticed how some of the shells exploded in the tops of the trees and this is when I began to wonder. The fact that the physics engine even simulates tree bursts (if that's what it is actually doing) is pretty cool even if the damage model is the same as if it had hit the ground.

Anyways, 'm just curious if anyone knows.

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

I have a couple of rather detailed questions for anyone who knows how a tree burst is modeled in CMBB.

1. Is there a seperate model for damage done by tree bursts from artillery?

2. If so, does the model take into consideration the extra lethal shrapnel from flying would in addition to the shell itself?

Aren't tree bursts supposed to be extra deadly to troops nearby?

I was watching a turn last night where I was blasting a group of trees with 60mm mortar rounds and I got real close to where they were landing to watch the action. I noticed how some of the shells exploded in the tops of the trees and this is when I began to wonder. The fact that the physics engine even simulates tree bursts (if that's what it is actually doing) is pretty cool even if the damage model is the same as if it had hit the ground.

Anyways, 'm just curious if anyone knows.

TB, Run a search in Combat Mission "Tips and Tricks", you'll find a wealth of information.


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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

How do you know they hurt more?

Because Tree/Air bust artillary was modeled even back in CM:BO...and the effects were horrific to say the least. Oh the joys of dropping 155mm VT (Air burst rounds) on a platoon of German Half-Tracks. :D

So to answer your questions, yes and yes. Air/Tree burst is modeled and it does a great more amount of damage to troops.

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I learn something new about this game every day even after reading the entire manual carefully. It never fails to amaze and please me just how much time has been put into the details of this game. I've simply never seen anything like it in my life. With all my new hardware the graphics are incredible. The battle field honestly looks alive! And not a single pixel out of place. Smooth and flowing. . .very nice. This has to be the most fun, most realistic game that has ever been made hands down.

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