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Axis Campaign

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2/3rds the way through game 4 - yet another "interesting" scenario! :D

But it's not the same as a "real" campaign a la Steel Panthers or similar. The progression of experience in hte "core" unit is simply not of any intterest - it's got nothing to do with what I do - squads that are decimated come back better than new, while preserving a platoon might have no effect 'cos the atory line gives it a green squad of replacements next game.

Still they're great scenarios for a small force.

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Good campaign so far. In fact, I am looking forward to playing #3 tonight.

#1 was a minor defeat. I thought that an attack on the 2nd hill (the one on the right) was suicidal so I concentrated on just keeping the left hill safe and even that was a struggle.

I got even with the AI with a minor victory in #2. Got 2 trucks and the Puma across the finish line. But my troops were toast at the end - didn't feel like much of a victory.


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I just finished battle #2, and without giving any spoilers, it was the most desperate struggle I have EVER had in Combat Mission. My armor all died within a turn of arriving.. :(

The enemy got 2 of my 8 trucks before I could get them across, but considering I had to do it all w/o any armor I feel pretty good about it. smile.gif

I too got my revenge on the AI, inflicting 4:1 casualties on them as they tried in vain to push me off the bridge..

Good show, fred. Make more of these campaigns.. The roleplaying styled briefings are the best part.. smile.gif

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thank you all for your positive comments!

Quite a range of different results in the battles so far; from defeat to major victory...

I know, this is not the real thing, like e.g. Steel Panters campaigns, but you all know BTS opinion on this feature... :(

Anyway, at the moment I'm a little bit exhausted of scenario making. But this can change smile.gif


[ 05-27-2001: Message edited by: Fred ]

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Looks like I'm leading the pack - #5 done last night & today - no spoilers here, but I inflicted 335 allied casualties, and the 88mm pillbox had exactly 4 smoke shells left......that is all...no AP or HE - although I was a bit pissed that the bloody thing used up it's last dozen AP on infantry instead of waiting for bettter targets, and wouldn't use smoke when ordered to!!

Still, a good game....oh yeah, I won 79-21 smile.gif

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#6 was a tough one............














I split up the platoons into 2 even forces and sent them up the extreme left and right flanks. The right flank was far tougher, after I secured the park, all I had to do was sit tight and fend off the Allied counter-attacks. Still, I lost at least 1/3 or more of my men on that flank.

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I put everything on the left in game 6 - I was probably rushing a bit, expecting to overwhelm the defence and aware of the time limit.

A couple of platoons of US Engineers really tore my guys appart - you wouldn't see them until you're on them, and then their satchel charges would knock the stuffing out of my guys!

Not to mention a bloody flamethrower ambush - he only got off 2 shots, but they were good ones (another vet squad bites the dust!! :()

And the superior US armour was a nasty surprise too, especially since only 1 faust hit anything, and hte schreks died quickly when bought up to try to deal with it!!


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I managed to get a major victory on this one. I think the secret was moving my men en masse. Here's a mini aar:

















I sent 4 platoons up the right flank: Falschrimjagers, Volkstrumm, and 2 plt of Panzergrenadiers accompanied by the HT. I moved them in bounds with at least 2 plts providing overwatch. So when I took the park, I did it with 2 plts rushing in. The ambush that the enemy tried to lay didn't last more than 5 sec. When their back-up came rushing out of the building in the park, they got cut down by the overwatching plts and HMG's. After securing the park, I captured the rubble pile and the building across the road, at considerable cost. I sent the FJ's to the building left of the park, and left the Volksturm to guard the park. After I fending off continued inf rushes, at the cost of almost 2 whole platoons and my HT, all I had to do was hide in ambush and wait for the tanks to roll down the street into my schrecks' & and fausts' sights. :D

On the right flank, I assaulted down the road with 2 plts of Panzergrenadiers supported by the 75mm HT and 2xHMG's. The 2 platoons would shoot and scoot from house to house, while the support kept the enemy's heads down. The enemy squads were too spaced out and weren't able to withstand the massed firepower I threw at them. The flamethrower ambush surprised me, but at the next turn he was faced with an angry platoon. The Allied HT fell victim to a few squads carrying fausts, but only after several rounds of sneaking to get them into large building behind which the HT was hiding. That was the most satisfying kill of the game. I had 3 squads in a building several yards from the HT without him knowing it. By the time they opened up, it was too late.....

Great finale to a great series.

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