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campaign for CM2

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Originally posted by deilthedog:

after reading the FAQ for CM2 i hope they implement a campaign in the game.

ps ive just ordered CM1. is there a campaign or is it just a series of linked battles?

Good question. There is no "grand campaign" a la Panzer General or East/West Front per say, but CMBO does have a unique type of game called "Operations" which are linked battles of 2-12 (or so) battles fought across a single, expanding map. Very fun.

Also, as far as CMBB (the next installment due out sometime soon) they have not mentioned the implementation of a campaign game, but I wouldn't put it past them to include one! What we do know are the following:

Operations have been greatly improved. No details though. I'm guessing things such as boundary lines, attack-counterattack, victory flags, perhaps more intuitive reserve system.

Maps, as well as units, can be brought into a quickbattle (and I assume a scenario). What this means, in a Quick-battle sense, is that after one plays a battle, you can start a new battle and bring either a pre-made map, or the map from previous battle (which will include any terrain modifications such as burning buildings/shell-holes) and/or YOU CAN ALSO BRING IN THE UNITS FROM THE PREVIOUS BATTLE! I presume these units will be in the state at which the last battle ended as far as KIAs are concerned.

Pretty cool stuff! Hope that helps.

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