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Any chance this doodad made it?

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One problem with the vehicle mods is that it is impossible to really add foliage camo since all bmps must follow the contour of the hardcoded model. I was wondering if there is any chance this might have changed? It would be great to actually have branches and other foliage sticking out from the vehicle. I am sure the answer is no but I have to ask.


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Yeah, it's a NO.

They would have to have wireframe extensions all over the model with transparent textures that could then be moded with an opaque foliage. The problem with this however is that these wireframes would probably have to be pretty complex in order to make the foliage realistic looking, otherwise it would look like 'doodads' pasted onto the AFV.

It was enough work just doing the 3D wireframes and getting enough of the textures in.

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