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Carentan Operation - advice needed

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I'm not looking for a hint or spoiler, but I need some advice about how the mechanics of the operation might undo my plans before I put them into effect.



















I'm in the setup phase (as US) for the second battle. My glider infantry has taken St Come du Mont, and the front line has been adjusted appropriately. It's now night, and the next step according to the briefing is to take the bridges over the Douve.

Here's what I'm thinking: plough on with the (two remaining) tanks and glider infantry down the main road (I don't know if the Germans will counterattack, but I'll try to allow for the possibility). At the same time, the parachute troops will go forward from Addeville from where they can follow a flanking route that will give them fairly good cover all the way to the nearest ford. To this end, I've removed their spotter and support weapons except for two MMGs and a 60mm mortar. These will follow on so that in case the flanking troops make contact, the machineguns and mortar can keep the enemy's attention while the faster-moving squads slip away into the darkness and keep going for the river.

Now, while I'm not looking for hints as to what to expect, I am concerned that the operation engine's calculations at the end of the battle might render my flanking move irrelevant (if successful). This would be particularly upsetting if my paras had broken their arses getting there only to be stepped back because the glider infantry had only got so far down the road. Also, if the Germans send a counterattack through between Addeville and St Come du Mont, could they gain enough territory (given the fact that I've nobody guarding it) to force me out of St Come without even attacking it?

Non-spoiling comments appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


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I believe the engine will redraw the map in favor of the attacker, so assuming your paras gain ground, the line will be pushed forward for game 3.

I've read numerous accounts of the defenders launching crushing counterattacks, wiping out the opposition and actually pushing beyond the original setup lines, only to be pushed back at the start of the next game.

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You can import the op into the scenario editor to check and see what the "no man's land" size is set to. Its been too long since I played this one to remember. But, I do believe that it was well in favor of the attacker. If the defender held their ground, they would still be pushed back considerably.

Once upon a time (before the final 1.12 version) Op front lines had major problems. Now, the game engine draws them pretty well, its just a matter of making sure that no man's land isn't set so big that it fouls things up. Ops work best with minimal no man's land.

Anyway, your flanking moves should be fruitful and not wasted.

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Well, you lads called it correctly. The flanking movement was almost completely successful. The only opposition encountered was two squads and a truck. One squad was wiped out by the platoon that had blundered into it, and the other was kept busy by the MGs and mortar while the rest of the force kept going towards the objective. The only failure was that by turn 20, the paras were still about 300 yards (laterally) away from the bridge. My chosen route was a little too circuitous.

The main advance out of St Come du Mont ran into a German counterattack coming back up the road. They were held off, but at a cost. A short 155mm treeburst didn't help matters. Those crack German paras take some killing.

As far as the advance was concerned, though, it didn't matter, since the outflanking move was the decider when the lines were redrawn, and I took the bridge almost by default. There was something interesting: the front edge of the new setup area was straight across except for the bridge, which formed a 60m square salient into my territory (the bridge was defended by a bunker). I would have imagined that the line in that case would just have been set short of the bridge. It made the setup interesting in that, while I had troops on the other side of the bridge, I still didn't know if it was defended. Could the AI have beem clever enough to 'read' the implications of the flanking move?

The other odd thing was a wood inside my setup area that was off-limits. After the bridge was secure, I sent a depleted squad to recce it and found nothing. Strange, but not unrealistic; I had to reckon with the possibility of a pocket of resistance behind my line. What an excellent game CM is!


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I went through battle 2 the night before last against the AI, playing as Allies, much the same as you. However, I got assaulted by over a company of Fallschirmjager up the main road! I was able to bring a barrage of 155mm arty and a pair of Shermans to the rescue, and their attack was repulsed (and cut to pieces). My losses were around 50 casualties (including a full platoon).

It's now dawn on day 2, and I have some reinforcements to push on to the bridge. My setup now leaves me in control of the village/town but with 550m of ground to cover to get to the bridges. Glad to see someone else is having as much fun as me!

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