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Embarked infantery routed by shooting Pershing ?!?


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In the scenario i am playing, i have (green) infantery embarked on AFV's

The scout vehicle spots a Panzerschreck team who is firing at a Pershing who follow the scout at about 150 meters.

The Pershing and a Sherm is opening up on the schreck.

The embarked infantery on the Sherm are not alarmed at all ,but the embarked grunts on the Pershing are routed , the instant he fires !!

I looked to the movie a few times at level 1 and 2, but i did not hear any incoming fire, no tracers also.

Is this a known fact ?

If not, it must be some kind of incoming fire anyway i think.....

Monty aka Moose

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Sorry I have not had this happen to me but here is my guess. When the Pershing fired it gun, the green troops panic and took off. Since they are green they have not been exposed to combat and did not know what is happening. The question is were the troops on the Sherman green? If so then as we use to say in boardgames, "You got a rotten roll of the dice". It happens.


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Hi Erik

I have only green infantery in this scenario.

The Pershing gives a BIG BOOMMMM when he fire, maybe thats why the inf on the Pershing did panic and the inf on the Sherm not ?

Never had green infantery on a Pershing before smile.gif

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Seems reasonable enough behavior to me. I doubt one would want to stay on board a tank that was actively engaged in combat.

First of all, it's LOUD, smokey and smelly.

Second of all, the turret probably wants to start moving around.

Third of all, tanks in combat tend to be bullet magnets.

All sound like good reasons to panic.

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Yup. Plus, there's not much cover on the tank, especially when the CM engine does not model tanks as solid objects so bullets can go right through, so make that transparent bullet magnet.

When the tank is being fired at by an AT team, well, that's icing on the cake. Dismounting seems pretty reasonable. Routing less so, but they were green after all...

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Roger that.......

Well, the green squad was back to "normal" pretty quick again and is now walking smile.gif

( The Pershing killed a Stuh meanwhile hehe )

This is the second time i have the Pershing ( 3x!!) in a scenario i think, what a monster ! )

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CombinedArms, you was RIGHT !!




















The scenario i played was Last Stand Dalsenburg.

I lost all my Pershings and a few Sherms quickly to hidden German AFV's.

This is a VERY hard battle for Allied side due to the wet ground i did not dare to cross the open grounds.

I have no idea how i could win this scenario :confused: :confused:

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