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Scenario advice

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Im trying to create a scenario in which an artillery barrage has ceased and now an american infantry battalion and armour has now entered the town. I have used rubble terrain and burning buildings to stimulate this but would also like to add craters to make it more realistic. Any ideas? Also is there any terrain mod out there to simulate a bridge over railroad?

Also balance wise the yanks have a Inf.Bn with around 20+ mixed armour/light vechs. The Bosche have a Volkstrum coy, a pioneer and security plt around 6 armour vechs and a reinforce of 2 tigers and motor ss pltn. When testing the scenario it is possible to kill 75%+ of the yankee armour through ambuses, but the huge levels of Yank Inf make the Jerries task impossible to hold the town. The scenario is meant to be a desperate stand by the Jerries to destroy as much of the Yankee armour as possible while the Yanks are supposed to secure the town. How do I reward the Axis player extra bonus points for inflicting armour casualties?

Cheers Pete

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To really comment accurately, Horncastle, I would have to look at the scenario. Some factors can influence a scenario's outcome without changing the units.

1. A unit's capability (from green or regulart to elite, etc.)

(The reverse is also true, weakening the attacking units capabilties)

2. Terrain, including strongpoints.

3. Mines, well placed, create havoc and are historical.

4. Game length, forcing the stronger side to take chances (this is historical, by the way)

5. Making some units reinforecments, thus weakening the initial attacking force.

All of these tools can be used to help create more balance. I hope these suggestions help you.


Wild Bill

Lead Tester

Scenario Design Team

Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord


[This message has been edited by Wild Bill Wilder (edited 10-10-2000).]

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I am using the bridge over railroad at the moment, I was just wondering if a bridge over rail had been developed as it would look nicer.

Just going back to my scenario, its set at dawn with fog which results in the yanks falling right on top of the poorly formed german lines. Am I right in assuming the maximum visibility in fog is around 200m? How CM models fog in more detail would also be appreciated, are units less likely to be spotted when moving at say distances of 100m for instance?

Cheers Pete

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