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playtesters needed

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ive played and tested this one a few times both against the AI and myself (its always fun to play both sides, i always win smile.gif ) and it a good fight.

i based this battle very loosely on the ASL "Tanks in the Streets" battle, but from that i merely took the dates, the location, and a general idea of what was fighting and what happened. so it IS NOT a direct transfer, actually not even closely. again its based on the battle, and i made what i think would be a fun battle.

this is not a heavy maneuver battle. amis are defending a small town and crossroads in the medium woods, and the germans are attacking. its about a 2000pt battle, but you start close, and its only 35 turns long. ive put a lot of effort into balancing this one out fairly, so watch your toes!

if youd like to try it out, post here or email me here FTOALMA@msn.com , and ill get it to ya tonight!

im very open to critism and pointers! whether posted here or emailed to me.


chad harrison

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Stoffel:

sounds interesting!

Why dont you send me a setup,for a pbem fight?

email is in the profile<hr></blockquote>

sounds good. ill email ya tonight with the setup. do you have a side preference? it would proboably be better if you played as the germans (attacking) since that gives you a little more freedom on what to do (the defenses are 1/4 locked, 3/4 unlocked, so that would give me the knowledge of where 1/4 of your men are).

still looking for more testers! anyone up for testing the AI on this one?

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