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Advice for Operation

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I'm a big fan of PBEM scenarios and like most of you I have played some good ones and some bad ones. I'm hoping to play an operation next but of course there isn't any point looking at before I start or during the game as it ruins the game for me.

Could anyone suggest a good medium to largish sized operation that gradually builds up and is less than 7 days? I'm looking for a bit of realism so king tiger mayhem doesn't appeal.

Any suggestions gratefully received.


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Hi Ben. I just recently designed a historical Operation titled "Bouncing the Rhine" dealing with a failed attempt by the 82nd Airborne to establish a bridgehead on East bank of the Rhine in the town of Hitdorf in April '45. The operation is an Assault of four battles, with each battle being 20 turns long. Initially the Americans grab the town from Volkstrum militia, but in the subsequent battles the Germans get heavily reinforced to mount a major counter attack with armor. If you or anyone else is interested, just email me at kschur@erols.com. I plan to be posting the Operation on the Scenario Depot soon.

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Begin Shameless Plug

Check out Steckenroth Roadblock, avaliable at the depot. An operation I designed specifically for multiplayer, 3 battles x 15 turns.

I might add that the reviews have been generally rave.

End Shameless Plug


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Considering a certain line from mowers, (the exact quote deleted because of spoilers) Utrechtseweg might not be the best recommendation, Slappy smile.gif Although, it IS a historical ops.

Another one I could recommend (especially with regards to "building up") is "A Day in the Cavalry." And yes, this is a shameless plug, too smile.gif

[ 01-23-2002: Message edited by: Moon ]</p>

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They all sounds like great ideas. Its very irritating to get to turn 35 to find that the scenario doesn't really work or is so imbalanced that its not enjoyable to both players.

Thanks very much for your thoughts, much obliged.


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