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Anyone know yet if the scenario and operation load interface in CMBB will sort by-date (at a minimum--additional sort options preferred)? I'm finally making my way through Combat Mission and only being able to sort by alpha is a pain...

[ July 16, 2002, 10:43 PM: Message edited by: Matthew Peckham ]

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LOL I hope there is some kinda of sorting. I sat down for a week and Sorted all battles by Historical, Semi Historical, and Ficticious, then by Country in parenthese, and even ASL battles. It was a ton of work. But now if I want to play a ficticious battle in Belgium say, I just shoot down my list and find one. It works fairly well considering. But defiantely better sort options would be sweet. I'd say by date, country, battle type, and Historical/Semi/Fiction would cover everything nicely, if it can be done that is.


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