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CMBB armor C&C question

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Numerous previewers of CMBB have commented on the armor command and control (C&C) and how the Soviets, without radios, would need to remain unbuttoned to be able to remain in C&C. Can anyone explain how this works in terms of issuing orders and the resulting delay for that unit. In CMBO, each unit’s C&C status at the start of an orders phase is fixed. In CMBB, it seems this may not be the case since buttoning and unbuttoning a tank without radios changes the C&C radius. Can I have the command tank unbuttoned, give orders to the other tanks in the platoon, and then button the command tank without incurring the out of C&C delay?

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I think I see what you're saying. Could two tanks(command and subordinate tanks) who began buttoned, go unbuttoned, give the subordinate tank an order, then have both tanks button up before hitting the 'GO' button. Good question.

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I have conceptual problems with that. How would the subordinate tank know when to unbutton to receive orders? My guess is that actual practice was for all tanks in the platoon to remain unbuttoned until the last possible moment. Then, once they committed to combat they all buttoned up until the fight was over or the command tank had some other way to get their attention (colored smoke?).


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I didn't notice anything much like that in my previews of CMBB - except there is a command line when you purchase a platoon of tanks. Command radius was quite long for 1944 T34's - well over 200m.

In the early war game I bought tanks individualy so didn't have any command at all.

However tanks DO button and unbutton throughout the turn in BB, reacting to loval circumstance.

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Originally posted by Grisha:


I think I see what you're saying. Could two tanks(command and subordinate tanks) who began buttoned, go unbuttoned, give the subordinate tank an order, then have both tanks button up before hitting the 'GO' button. Good question.

That's exactly what I was getting at. In CMBO, the effect of buttoning and unbuttoning had no impact until the movie started playing (i.e., spotted units didn't show up just because you unbuttoned during the orders phase). But in CMBB, it would seem the status of being buttoned/unbuttoned would impact the command delay you see when giving orders to tanks.

I'm purely speculating that, for simplicity's sake, command radius won't be effected by buttoning/unbuttoning until the following turn. In other words, the status that your tanks are in at the start of the orders phase determines command radius and buttoning/unbuttoning won't change it during the orders phase.

Can any previewers confirm or deny this?


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I honestly don't know, but your speculation on determining command radius (or more crucially, in/out of command status) by unbutton/button status at the beginning of an orders phase would seem the simplest solution. In any case, we'll find out soon enough I guess smile.gif

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In CM:BO units can go in and out of command during the action phase depending on their distance from an HQ and possible intervening terrain. That does not, so far as I know, effect command delay, which is determined at the beginning of each orders phase. Possible exception: If a unit is out of command at the start of an action phase and is consequently suffering a command delay before beginning movement, and an HQ moves close enough to put it in command before that delay has run out, you might (I say might; I haven't checked thoroughly on this) see it begin movement before its original delay is completed.


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What about other HQs?

Regular squads that lose control from their platoon HQ may be commanded by any nearby company/battalion HQ.

Does this go for the vehicles too? (If they're out of command from their platoon HQ, but there's an infantry company HQ nearby, do they get the benefit from that HQ instead?)



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