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Best Game of all Time?

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Originally posted by notalex:

Walker, can your Hotmail address handle a 310K attachment? I got a copy of Airborne Ranger from Underdogs before Microprose or whoever reasserted their copyright.

Notalex, I'd be most delighted! The Hotmail address is defunct though - check my profile for the updated address. Thanks!!
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Ghostbusters by me

my first (and probably last) selfmade game which actually worked.



it really got me hooked to computer games, amazing 3D-graphics.


Hired Guns

story was good, great adventure and RPG game.


Colin McRae Rally 1

first car game which really encouraged me to get steering wheel in to my computer.

CM isn't listed, sad to say but I don't really play this excellent game so much smile.gif

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Well first I must say that I will prolly forget many games that I should include to this list as there are so many games on PC(fanatic hatred towards all other playing machines)that I have enjoyed playing with great enthusiasm.

These are in no specific order as I type them as they come to my mind.

1. Myth:The Fallend Lords/Soulblighter (**** U Microsoft for buying this great game and destroying its future! For that I will allways get my windows as pirate and will NEVER buy anything from ye!) This games both 2 episodes worthy to be mentioned(3rd part was pure crap cuz of Micsoft) were THE GAMES for me. It was so great to play online against other people and try all kinds of new strategies to beat em. I played these games together for 3,5 years in row.

2. Pacman (On our first own pc 386 or was it on friends Amiga. Can't remember exactly.)

3. Civilisation 1

4. Unreal (on this first unreal I just LOVED that single playing story. Somehow it just rocked my world)

5. Duke Nukem 3d (the one and only!)

6. Doom (that brought me to world of multiplayer shootings)

7. Quake: Team fortress(this was great on it's days)

8. Action Quake 2

9. Close Combat 2 and 5

10. Independence War (I-War) and it's sequel I-War 2

11. Freespace 2 (I-War and Freespace 2 are best space simulators I've played so far)

12. Tie Fighter

13. X-Wing Alliance

14. Steel Panthers : World at War

15. Operation Flashpoint wich so far is the best description of real warfare in 3D shooter form. Besides it has really 10 times bigger fighting areas compared to any other 3d shooter.

16. Aliens versus Predator. When playing with marine it really sometimes was so scary that I was unable to play more than 1 mission in row. What an adrenaline rush!

17. Archimedean Dynasty was kind of space simulator in water and had great story.

18. Who can say that they were't affected by Half Lifes best mod Counter Strike? I can't.

19. Can't yet tell what I think of this Combat Mission Barbarossa to Berlin... as I have not yet played enough to be big fan. But I can't deny it being really interesting game.

20. Fallout 2 (best PCRPG I've played so far)

21. Grim Fandango

22. War Hammer:Dark Omen

23. Tapan kaikki 2 (sorry fer ye non finns ye can't understand :D )

24. Phobia :D

25. V-wing (Funny cave flyer best played against good friends on split screen)

26. Shogun Total War (I intend to get my copy of that Medieval Total War one day soon)

OK there were already quite a few and still I'm pretty sure I forgot to mention some great games.

P.S. I think some certain people on this forum should think twice b4 quoting half the posts on one post and then adding some pesky 3 lines of st00pid mumble as their reply.

[ December 03, 2002, 01:23 PM: Message edited by: Seve ]

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