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Making my tanks MOVE and NOT shoot.

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This has probably been answered, but I can't find it on the search option. But here goes.

Is it possible to get my tanks to move, and make the commanders NOT shoot at anything between them and the destination? Can I give a covered arc order of say 1 degree and 2 feet in front of the tank, and still make it move? How do I do that?

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Cover arcs and movement orders are separately commands, so you can give a movement order to one place and then give a completely separate cover arc. Just remember the cover arcs are linked to which direction the hull is pointing so if you tell your tank to make a hard left turn while moving the cover arc will swing left as well.

Cover arc will substantially reduce the chance of the tank firing when you don't want it to but be warned sometimes the crew opts for self preservation over obedience.

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Just remember the cover arcs are linked to which direction the hull is pointing so if you tell your tank to make a hard left turn while moving the cover arc will swing left as well.
Ummm... no. The covered arc is absolute, so the turret (if applicable) will turn opposite the hull.

I have noticed, however, that turretless AFVs will lose the covered arc if you have the gun pointing outside the covered arc at any point in the move.

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